The Demise of Dungeons & Dragons


Change can be a good thing. Without change, several of history's momentous events would never have come about. We would be currently living a life so much dissimilar to what we know it would hardly be recognizable. Change is not always good, though. Some things are better left the way they were. I'm not sure what Wizards of the Coast was thinking when they started this grand venture, but I'm hoping they missed the mark and are just too embarassed to admit it.

Change can be a good thing. Without change, several of history's momentous events would never have come about. We would be currently living a life so much dissimilar to what we know it would hardly be recognizable. Change is not always good, though. Some things are better left the way they were.

Wizards of the Coast have been a rising force in the gaming world since the advent of Magic: The Gathering. They have taken great leaps of faith in a card game that was sure to fail, it was so different from the norm. But, in the face of adversity, Magic flourished. Now WotC is turning it's visionary viewpoint on a tried and true favorite of gamers around the world, AD&D.

Dungeons & Dragons has went through a few changes already, from first edition to second edition, from basic to advanced. I have played D&D for 16 years now and was never so happy as to see 2nd edition grace the shelves of bookstores and game shops. It was new, refreshing and an answer to many problems and questions that arose out of 1st edition. Don't get me wrong, 1st edition was a blast to play and was a revolutionary step in roleplaying. 2nd edition, however, raised the standard even higher, adding new elements to the rules, changing some monsters and adding new ones. Some creatures were removed from the game, a few to placate angry parents who thought there was a satanic undertone to the game and a few to balance out the worlds created by the designers and gamers alike. Over all it is the best game, I feel, to ever come out of man's imagination and creativity. Now we have AD&D, 3rd edition.

I'm not sure what Wizards of the Coast was thinking when they started this grand venture, but I'm hoping they missed the mark and are just too embarassed to admit it. From the few bits and pieces about the 3rd edition I've seen, many changes have taken place, so much so that the original core set of rules almost seems non-existant. THAC0 has been removed entirely, relying on a challenge rating of the creature being fought by party members as well as a rating assigned to the party themselves. Action or battle also consists of feats, instead of proficiencies. Saving throws have been reduced to 3 categories and initiative has been reverted to highest number goes first.


Initiative has always preceded any other action in a round of AD&D combat mode. Your necromancer wants to cast that spell he's been drooling over? Roll initiative. Your paladin took personal affront to the orc spitting on his holy symbol? Roll initiative. It's been the basis of combat and action since the game began. I have nothing against the change back to higher goes first. However, the roll is now made with a d20 instead of the d10 previously used. This may not be that big a deal, and certainly wouldn't make the game any less enjoyable, were it not for the fact that there are now all kinds of variables to add or subtract from the initiative roll. No longer do you have to take into account weapon speed or the casting time of spells, but now you have the feats and other special bonuses, etc. to make your roll higher or lower, depending on what it calls for. I'm sure the thought all this would make combat rounds much easier, but I fail to see their line of thinking. Adding in that many variables to take into account for such a simple part of the round as initiative does not seem, to me, to be beneficial and would take much more time rather than make the play more fast paced. Another change to initiative is the fact that you keep the same roll throughout the combat session. If you go third on the first round, you go third for each subsequent round. Unless you choose to focus your action, wherein you lose your action for that round but are allowed to automatically go first next round. Why not just keep the tried and true method of deciding who goes first each round?

Armor Class and THAC0

Since the change between 1st edition and secone edition, THAC0 has been an integral part of combat. It was a simple equation to figure out how hard it was for you to hit whatever you decided to attack. The monster's AC is 0, you're a 2nd lvl warrior, so you need a base roll of 19 to hit the offending foe. Simple, right? Apparently Wizards of the Coast didn't think so. They wanted to simplify the rules for D&D even more and do away with THAC0, replacing it with a greater number of variables to add or subtract from your ability to damage a certain adversary. Challenge ratings, difficulty ratings, etc.. There are now so many different pluses and minuses that I wonder if the rulebooks will resemble algebra textbooks from high school. You can hit if your (blahblah) is added to the initial roll of (ugh), then subtracting your (squeak) from the base number of (honk)... OK, I'm generalizing and probably making it sound more complicated than it really is. But in my mind it's more difficult to do all this than to just keep it the way it was. Which brings me to Armor Class. They've changed that, too. Now, the higher your AC, the better. An AC of 20 is incredibly good for the defender and disheateningly bad for the attacker. What was wrong with the way it was? Nothing that I, nor the group I've had the fortune of DM'ing and playing with for years, could see.

I don't claim to know everything about the 3rd edition of our favorite roleplaying game (and the cause of many late, sleepness nights of pizza and bloodshed). I don't claim to be an expert on 2nd edition. What I am is a concerned gamer. Concerned with the path Wizards of the Coast has chosen for my favorite roleplaying game of all time. What's next? Will Tiamat become the very model of a modern major general? Will Elminster become a necromancer? Will umberhulks become the choice pet for kings and queens the land over? How many licks does it take to get to the center of... OK, you get my point.

3rd edition is a methodology for an open-ended, extensible execution system. In fact, 3E/D20 could really be applied to any sort of simulation you could imagine (and is, frequently).

2nd edition is a collection of rules and assertions for performing certain, pre-defined actions within a pre-defined setting.

Feel free to have your opinion on what's better for creating a gaming experience wherein anything can and should be able to happen; I know what I'll pick.

Whoever commented about Star Wars conversion being easy--what are you talking about? The d6 and d20 SW systems are more or less completely incompatible!

The WEG game was one of the first of the cinematic RPGs. PCs were nearly impossible to kill and had the ability to use xp and Force Points to alter their skill chances.

The d20 Star Wars, since its fundamentally identical to D&D3, is far less forgiving and character death WILL be far more frequent than under the d20 system.

Even if one was able to convert a favorite character from the WEG to the d20 Star Wars, they would have to play that character so differently that they might as well use a brand new character.

Besides, isn't the official "world" of the d20 SW 30+ years before the WEG game setting?

I still don't like 3E. The arguments made in its favor above, however, I'll concede. The die rolls themselves are more streamlined.

Unfortunately, feats, skills, and class abilities result in a number of special maneuvers only marginally smaller than the number of atoms in the galaxy. The inclusion of Magic:The Gathering type "Power Combos" disgusts me, and I've found I need to flip around the PHB far more when generating a character or levelling up: Level breaks are on one page, then your bonus feats (if any) are listed under class, then you flip back to see your bonus feats/extra Characteristics just for level. Add the stats on the one page to those under your class, etc.

Also, there's no mechanic for a GM to delete feats or skills they might not like. It really seems to break 3E's game balance to do so. Since the designers seem to have no problems CREATING new skills and feats, this may present problems in the future--remember Car Wars once efveryone had cloning and Gauss weaponry?

In particular, I really feel Search, Spot, and Listen should be one General Perception skill--doing it as 3 skills makes it a point sink.

That said, I do have some admiration for the system, but feel they didn't go far enough in some ways.

Personally, I'd have liked to see the d4 consigned to the lowest layer of hell never to be seen again, and give mages a d6.

But, then, I also feel the Sorcerer is what magic-users should've been all along. Choosing spells ahead of time blows chunks.

Finally, I'm very troubled that 3E enthusiasts get more personal about this system. For instance; I play a lot of Hero. On many occassions, players might express problems with the system, and I'll address their concerns. Maybe some players flat out hate the system. That's fine with me. I won't hate you for it.

Many 3E people, should you express less than total approval of the system, actually get angry or argumentative. I've sensed this several times since the release, and brushed it off as perfectly normal paranoia until other people began mentioning it too.

It's beginning to scare me almost as much as religion does. I don't think it's good for people to believe things that strongly. I'll shut up now, since I've rambled almost a full page.

This page has provided me with some very useful insights into a game I have grown to love. I will admit I am not a hard core gamer and have not played religiously every week for 10-15 years. I have, however, GM'd games in both 2e and 3e I have found that my players and I enjoy the streamlined rolls of 3e better. A few had a huge problem understanding THAC0, and when to roll under a number or over it. So in this instance we have found that 3e does take alot of the guess work out and keeps the GM from having to search through 3 or 4 different tables to find the right information. This system keeps all focused on the roles that each are playing and not on what roll is right.

I have also found that they did leave alot of the things that I did like about 2e out of 3e. Like weapons speed and casting times, even some of the magic items and spells are no longer in the core rule books. I have since modified them to fit into the campaign currently running. I didn't not find them all that difficult to do so, and I am planning on working the weapon speed and casting times into the initative. (Any suggestions??)

For those that are saying that they haven't even looked at the system and are making judgements, my suggestion is to take a good look at them both and you might find things about it you do like and things you don't. You're the GM, take what you like and throw out the rest. It's your world, its what you make of it.

To those that are bashing WoC, you may not like the company (and I'm not telling you you should and I really don't have an opinion one way or the other), but I appreciate what they did in simplifying the game, they have taken the decreasing base of gamers and made it broader. I hadn't picked-up my books in years until I started playing with a younger group of people that had just gotten 3e. I have one player that has made the transition very easy and loves the way the game moves. I have another, a hard core gamer from 1e and he is having a little more difficulties but he is getting it. I just goes to show that not everyone will have an easy time with this new edition, some will probably never want to change and thats ok, to each his own.

Well that just my two cents....take it for what it's worth and make your own decisions, don't try and force your decision on others.


[[ Unfortunately, feats, skills, and class abilities result in a number of special maneuvers only marginally smaller than the number of atoms in the galaxy. ]]
--I fail to see how this is unfortunate. Back in 2e, the game very much suffered from a cookie cutter character situation. The only real difference between to 5th level fighters would be their items and attributes. In 3e, you have feats and skills thrown into the mix, plus a much simpler multiclassing system, all of which adds up to characters that are as different as real people are.
--In fact, one of the best things 3e does is add skills. In 2e there was basically two ways to make your name. Martial skills (boosting THAC0, damage, items), and spells (wizard spells, or cleric spells). Now in 3e, we add a skill system to the mix, allowing PCs to do more than just hack and cast. Now you can sneak, con, appraise and use all manner of trickery and talent to attain your goal. Why on earth would you claim that is a bad thing?
--If that's a problem for your game, then I don't know what to tell you. Most people appreciate variation and flexibility in a system. Perhaps you don't. Maybe you could create game called "Heads and Tails" where you can create a character that's either a head or a tail, and then you can flip a coin to see who wins a fight. That should be a suitably small set of variables for you to deal with, I think?

[[ Level breaks are on one page, then your bonus feats (if any) are listed under class, then you flip back to see your bonus feats/extra Characteristics just for level. ]]
--Considering how much bitching about "dumming down" the game I hear, this is pretty laughable. One second it's "too easy" to figure out, next it's too hard. If you guys are gonna be elitists about being able to figure out THAC0, then I'd hope you could also figure out feats and attribute boosts. You get a feat every three levels, plus bonus feats by class. You get an attribute bonus every four. That's not very hard to figure out. You're grasping at straws here. The problem isn't with the system, it's with you.

[[ Also, there's no mechanic for a GM to delete feats or skills they might not like. ]]
--As opposed to 2e where the mechanic was "delete everything, cause it's all bad?" Every roleplaying game, by the very fact that it is a roleplaying game, comes with good old "rule zero." The most basic rule of RPGs is "if you don't like it, don't use it." Don't like the cleave feat? Don't allow it in your game. That's how simple it is. What do you want the game to have? A section that suggests different ways to use the english language to say "this isn't allowed in my game?" Again you're grasping at straws.

[[ In particular, I really feel Search, Spot, and Listen should be one General Perception skill--doing it as 3 skills makes it a point sink. ]]
--It's pretty clear at this point in your post that you don't have the experience with 3e and possibly with RPGs in general to make a very qualified assessment. Sounds to me like you read the rulebooks and decided it was no good. That's fine, I looked at them and was somewhat skeptical too. At first. Then I realized I was holding something special.
--So why three skills? The reason this was done, is because the buy system for skills is even across all skills. The scaling has to be done within the scope of the skill. The designers felt that a narrowing of focus with regard to "perception" was necessary for game balance. If they hadn't done this, then spending a point in "General Perception" would be worth more than a point in "Jump." That's a bad thing. Notice also that these skills have analogs as well. Listen - Move Silently. Spot - Hide. Etc. The fun of RPGs, is making choices and having those choices impact the game. If one feat or skill is clearly better than others, the element of choice is somewhat diluted. You apparently don't understand this, as shown here, and below in your comments about memorizing spells.
--But, on the positive side, so far this is the best point you've made, if only because it's not as transparently obvious that you're wrong.

[[ Personally, I'd have liked to see the d4 consigned to the lowest layer of hell never to be seen again, and give mages a d6. ]]
--Constitution gives a +1 to hp per level at only 12. Getting an automatic maximum roll for hp at first level is a standardized rule now. More straws, more grasping, yet still nothing worth saying.

[[ But, then, I also feel the Sorcerer is what magic-users should've been all along. Choosing spells ahead of time blows chunks. ]]
--Funny you should mention that, cause it reminds us that 3e has nearly twice as many classes as 2e. Not only that but it introduces prestige classes, which are clever as hell, and absolutely humiliate the embarrassment that was 2e "kits." The kit is pretty much the pinnacle of the 2e rules hack. I suppose I might mention here that there's a nearly perfect balance of power between classes in 3e too, and that multiclassing is quick and easy without upsetting game balance.
--As far as memorizing spells ahead of time, this is a basic concept of gaming. Planning ahead, and then seeing your plans come to fruition is fun. Have you ever even played an RPG before?

[[ Many 3E people, should you express less than total approval of the system, actually get angry or argumentative. ]]
--Hmmm, you think? Let's check this very thread to see if your point is valid.

"That's why DND3 is perfect for little dummies like you." -Starkus
"3E sucks and so do people who play it. " -Starkus
"PPL GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEADS D3 SUX D2 RULES.....its so sad that you ppl need things simplafied for you.......the makers of d3 need to stick to card games.........." -geo
"We can start a war against the pathetic 3E'ers right now in an awesome place. " -Captain Magic

--Care to reconsider?

Marc, you hit the nail on the head when you said that 3e players are 'angry or argumentative'. The fact that a few non-3e roleplayers choose to share our dislike of 3e on this post, Jack, doesn't change the reality that 3e players tend to go OTT if you dare 'express less than total approval' of 3e. The conversation usually goes something like this:

3e Munchkin: "Yeah, I play 3e."
Roleplayer: "Really? Not that fond of it myself."
3e Munchkin: "Why in the [fill in the blank] hell not?!"
Roleplayer: "Gee, settle down mate. I just think that the ...."
3e Munchkin: "I don't give a monkey's what you think! 3E RULES!!"

Sound familiar? It's as if they know it blows, they know it's for 12-year-olds making the crossover from MtG, they know that 3e's 'roll-a-dice, add-a-modifier' mechanics are ho hum and all been done ... but they just can't bring themselves to admit it. I've seen this happen, personally, a number of times and I've heard similar stories - the evidence is beginning to stack up.

"Back in 2e, the game very much suffered from a cookie cutter character situation. The only real difference between to 5th level fighters would be their items and attributes .... Now in 3e, we add a skill system to the mix, allowing PCs to do more than just hack and cast. Now you can sneak, con, appraise and use all manner of trickery and talent to attain your goal." - Jack

Hmmm, I've made this point before, but I can remember a time, oh, you know, way off before MUNCHKINS & MONSTERS (a.k.a. 3e), when ROLEPLAYING (the PC's history, personality etc.), not skills or feats (or any other kiddie MtG like additions), was the important differences between PCs .... not by comparing whose Uber-PC's got the best min/maxed combo of feats and skills. And I always thought it was meant to be ROLEplay not ROLLplay. Silly me.

What's the problem with PC Kits? They were useful to help give a guide to ROLEplaying your PC. They were never meant to be sub-classes or a 2e equivalent of prestige classes. Take the following examples of some kits for elven PCs from the 'Time of the Dragon' boxed set (which detailed Krynn's lost continent of Taladas). The kits were simply used to give information to distinguish between cultures:

Cha'asii Kit (mage) - savage wild elves who live in the jungles of the Neron Peninsular.
Elf Clan Wizardress (mage) - nomadic horsemen elves from the plains of Tamire.
Sivanaes Qualith Kit (fighter/mage) - sophisticated civilised elves from Armarch-nesti.
Hulderfolk Kit (fighter/mage) - ancient and secretive woodland elves of Southern Hosk.

The above examples are all elven 'mages' or 'fighter/mages' but from radically different cultures. Each kit merely outlined the basic proficiencies and equipment, as well as some social beliefs, that a PC from that culture would begin with, "thus, characters from the Uigan people are assumed to be skilled riders, while those of the Payan Mako can handle small boats. The Uigan would favour the short bow and the lance; the Payan Mako the spear and club." (p.8 Rule Book to Taladas)

Only a munchkin would have looked for any of the tiny advantages any particular kit might or might not have contained.

And for Gawd's sake, what's the problem with THAC0?! "Oh, it's all to hard. I get sooo confused ..." Subtract the your opponents AC from your THAC0. Roll 1d20 and compare. If the roll was equal or higher - you hit. Con-bloody-gratulations. Geez, even a friggin' Kiwi can do that! The fact that you 3e munchkins couldn't cope with THAC0 explains a lot.


[[ The conversation usually goes something like this: ]]
--Blah blah blah blah... Did you read my post? I see far more examples of rabid and insulting 2e fans in this thread than the reverse. I posted quotes. You seem to think that just by saying things, they become true. Let me post another example: "The fact that you 3e munchkins couldn't cope with THAC0 explains a lot." Even YOU throw insults, and yet you can't see it happen.
--So, do me a favor. Let me know if you're going to pay any attention to what I say, and if you're planning to read it with any degree of congnitive ability. If not, I won't waste our time by trying to talk some sense into you.

[[ And I always thought it was meant to be ROLEplay not ROLLplay. Silly me. ]]
--While this is all very cute, and I'm sure you think it's very clever, it's completely ass backwards. My point about the 2e cookie cutter characters is that they are an impediment to ROLEplaying. The reason you have a character sheet, is to provide formal numbers for the character you are going to breathe life into during the course of the game. It gives you hints on how to play the character. If your character is a slimy con man, 3e provides you with rules to simulate this in game, as well as to spell it out in his statistics.
--You still can roleplay all the devious lines your con man character spits out, but with 3e you now have rules to guide the DM in resolving the results of that roleplaying, and if you've built your character in keeping with his in game personality, then he should succeed in his Bluff rolls more often than a character with a less glib tongue. That's better. It makes roleplaying more important, as it demands an explanation for how and why your character is good at bluffing. The skills serve as a constant reminder for who your character is, so when you're presented with a problem, and you look at your sheet for relevant abilities, you see more than just THAC0 and spells. You see skills in diplomacy and stealth, and other roleplaying oriented solutions.
--But all this basic logic aside, your point is still basically useless. The quality of the roleplaying in your game is mostly based on the players and their ability and inclination to do so. Neither 2e nor 3e guarantees roleplaying or a lack thereof. To say so, as you do, is foolish. However, 3e provides more detail and variation, giving a good roleplayer more to work with, and in this regard it is an improvement.

[[ What's the problem with PC Kits? They were useful to help give a guide to ROLEplaying your PC. ]]
--Are you even listening to yourself? You are saying here that kits make for better roleplaying. Somehow, when it's called a 2e kit, and it adds more detail to a 2e PC, that's great for roleplaying. But when it's called a 3e skill, or a 3e feat, or 3e prestige class, and it adds more detail to a 3e PC, that's ROLLplaying. Pretty big double standard, huh?
--The only difference between 2e kits and 3e prestige classes is that the prestige class is better thought out, and integrates more smoothly. Basically the prestige class is kits done better. If kits are good in your opinion, then prestige classes are even better.

[[ And for Gawd's sake, what's the problem with THAC0?! ]]
--Back to THAC0 you go, once again.
--It's not that THAC0 is hard to figure out, it's just that it's pointlessly unintuitive. Why should a 1 THAC0 be better than a 20? It doesn't make a lot of sense. Is it hard to figure out? No, not at all. But why keep doing things backwards, just cause you've been doing them backwards? Why don't we call clerics "fighters" and fighters "clerics." It wouldn't be hard to remember that they've been reversed, and play like that. It would just be stupid.

--What you're doing is really very simple, obvious and immature. You've created the "roleplayer" as the hero, and the "munchkin" as the villain. You then arbitrarily label everything in 3e as the work of the evil "muchkin" and everything in 2e as the work of the benevolent "roleplayer." You don't have any basis for anything, you don't make any useful arguments. You just say over and over that 3e is a bad "munchkin" game, and think that in doing so, you will somehow make it a reality. It won't. All it does is make you sound like an uniformed little parrot.

Jack refutes a buncha my points. Mostly, because I actually tried to give 3E credit for things I liked at the same time as saying why I didn't like it as a whole.

Do you feel under attack or something?

Okay, my crack with skills and abilities (and feats) was this: So many of them have combat modifiers that people strive to do "power combos". To me, this is not fun.

For the state persecutor (sp. error intended), engineer, and accountant in my last group, this IS fun. So they masturbate (metaphorically, please)furiously for hours with their combos, and only rarely actually start GAMING.
By including so many modifiers, the game appears to cater to the worst in rules lawyers.

[Level breaks comment.--
[ You're grasping at straws here. The problem isn't with the's with you]

Yeah, that was a pretty weak bitch. Looking at my other game books, I do as much cross-indexing in any other game I play (more in Rolemaster), save Hero. Don't try to memorize systems until I've run a game with 'em. It's also because I'm the one in my groups to make friendly handouts on chargen, and am kinda used to having one.

(I really feel Search, Spot, and Listen should be one General Perception skill--doing it as 3 skills makes it a point sink.)

[It's pretty clear at this point in your post that you don't have the experience with 3e and possibly with RPGs in general to make a very qualified assessment. ]

Fuck off and die. Stop with the personal attacks, asshole. Point addressed below. That's the first and only attack I'll make, cause you really pissed me off.

[Sounds to me like you read the rulebooks and decided it was no good. That's fine, I looked at them and was somewhat skeptical too. At first. Then I realized I was holding something special.]

Go tell it on the mountain. You're starting to sound religious here. Not intended as a slam if you are.

[So why three skills? The reason this was done, is because the buy system for skills is even across all skills. The scaling has to be done within the scope of the skill. The designers felt that a narrowing of focus with regard to "perception" was necessary for game balance. If they hadn't done this, then spending a point in "General Perception" would be worth more than a point in "Jump."]

Skills that let you DO something should cost more than skills that let you...see. I'd concede the point if they were drastically different, but they all do basically the same thing: One lets you find hidden objects, another is for hidden people, and the third lets you HEAR things (overgeneralizing, but you see the point, I hope).

I felt the same way about Call of Cthulhu when they had half a dozen "medical" skills.
It's not about limiting options. It's about skill dilution (a later rant.) Every skill you add dilutes the power of other skills.
In addition, I can see basing an entire character around skills like Jump or whatever Disarm Traps is called these days. Basing a character around Perception is boring. (PLEASE don't tell me about someone's awesome character who does nothing but see things well--I won't believe you.)

(Pithy d4 comment deleted to save space)
[Constitution gives a +1 to hp per level at only 12. Getting an automatic maximum roll for hp at first level is a standardized rule now.]

I was just making a comment. Since they were changing so much anyway, why not get rid of a die that can't roll decently and hurts like hell when you fall on it. (I really WAS injured by a d4 as a child and traumatized for life)
Besides, I think fantasy games, even those I like, shit out spell-casters. But that again is another rant.

(Many 3E people, should you express less than total approval of the system, actually get angry or argumentative.)
[--Hmmm, you think? Let's check this very thread to see if your point is valid. ]

No, let's check above, where you launch some ad hominems at me and proceed to testify how you were lost and saw the light. No offense if you really are religious, but you sounded like a born-again testifying on their lives of sin and how they found Jaysus.

I'll grant you that this thread seems remarkably anti-3E. I websearched specifically for 3E-critical boards,actually. Not because I don't want any other opinions, but because I'm not a troll and hate pissing people off.

My experience of what I describe as a fanatic nature of 3E players comes from a few groups I meet with RL.

One groups praises it UNIVERSALLY, and can't agree on a movie to rent. They give blank stares when I'm less than enthusiastic about the system. Other systems have become a hard sell to them, when they were not before.

Finally, Me, along with one of the best GMs I've ever known were actually kicked out of a group ostensibly for utterly bizarre reasons--basically, my barbarian behaving like a barbarian, and totally screwing his campaign world. The games were at the guy's house, and we are no longer welcome there--both of us having considered the man a friend for almost ten years, who has given us both lovely recliners, who had never before indicated he took any campaign this SERIOUSLY.

The only way I can make sense of this is that the incident was an excuse, and the real reason we were kicked out was our having been rather critical of the system.

We still game with memebers of both groups, at irregular intervals. But the loss of our friend makes us sad, and Baby Jesus cry.

I'm wasting too much space here (finally something my opponent can agree with). Suggest this topic move, the pages are getting really long.

Right on...we've breathed new life into this discussion. :)

[[ My point is that he says this once and then proceeds to talk about his OPINIONS as though they are FACTS. ]]
--There's opinion and there's fact.
--Opinion: 3e is a more fun game than 2e.
--Fact: 3e is a better system than 2e.

Because I see fun as the ultimate end of RPing, your "fact" isn't relevant. The term "better" to me is what causes me to have fun. Now, as I've said lots of times, I've not looked at the 3e system. This however, does NOT castrate my argument. :) Sounds confusing, I know, but I'll address it later in this post. If I like 1e or 2e better than 3e, then 3e, to me is not a better system. If I don't like a TV show because it doesn't entertain me, then for me to ever think that it is better then my favorite show for whatever reason would be stupid.

"--There are basic facts of interface design. It's a simple fact that things like intuitiveness, continuity, commonality of interface and consistency are hallmarks of good interface."

Only if people like it. If you come up with a well-thought-out interface and people dislike it, then they dislike it. You see? It doesn't matter how wonderful the system is. There are going to be people who like their way of doing things better. That doesn't make them morons or ignorant or whatever. Some people have spent over 20 years gaming with 1e. They don't want to change because they like what they've got going right now. That doesn't mean that I'm saying that 3e is a piece of crap. It means I'm stating that if people don't like the new version, they won't like it and they won't play it, and no matter how much you talk about toasters and interfaces, they just won't like it. Because it's not the game they want to play.

"if people try to claim that 3e isn't a better, smoother, more intuitive, more flexible and more consistent SYSTEM, then they are factually incorrect."

Perhaps it's more consistent...perhaps it's more flexible, perhaps it is what you consider to be more intuitive, but as I said before, the end result is pure enjoyability...if that's not there for someone, then they're not going to like it, and the word "better" will NOT be used to describe it.

"I absolutely am not telling you what YOU think is more fun. However I am telling you what you should think is a better thought out system. I am further telling you that if you don't like 3e better then you should re-evalute your views, because not liking something that's better in almost every quantifiable way is somewhat odd."

Quantification may make sense scientifically, but it doesn't when it comes to what pleasures a human. You see, we're getting back to the word game that well-thought-out and "less-clunky" is better. Perhaps it is not so for everyone. Because someone likes something better means that to them, the other thing sucks. Which explains why we have people saying "2e sucks." "No, 3e sucks." Who's right??? Could it be both? Yes.

"[[ See, I've never even looked at the d20 stuff. ]]
--Why would you even say this? You're basically castrating your own argument by saying "hey, I'm ignorant, but here's the truth." You don't know anything. Why post?"

AHA! Here's what I was waiting for. The simple fact that you would even type this shows your fundamental ignorance of my own point. (Perhaps this is my fault...after all, I am human, and as such are subject to making mistakes.)
My argument is rather simple. Whether a system is hard to understand or clunky or better is a value judgement. I have never stated that 1e or 2e or 3e is better. I stated that I play Hackmaster, which happens to be based on 1e. But again, I've never looked at 3e. I'm not saying that 1e is better than 3e. I'm saying that whether a system is better or not is based on whether you enjoy playing that system. I NEVER SAID THAT I THINK 3E SUCKS! For you to say that 3e is a better system and that everyone should think like this is what I was speaking of when referring to the thought-nazi thing. You see, IF I like a system better, then no matter how much you tell me that some other system is better, I'm not going to agree with you. I'm not attacking 3e...I'm telling you that because you feel something is better or whatever doesn't mean that people are going to agree with you.

"--What is and is not intuitive is not a matter of opinion. Research psychologists, army engineers, ergonomics experts, and interface designers have spent thousands upon thousands of man hours determining what makes interfaces understandable and intuitive. There are basic facts and rules of interface design that guide the construction of computer systems, aircraft cockpits, ATM kiosks, and toaster ovens. If you make a toaster that cooks LESS on a setting of 10 than on a setting of 1, that's unintuitive, and that it's unituitive is a FACT."

Alright...I will modify my words (though not my intent.) If someone made a toaster oven that cooked low on 10 and high on 1 20 years ago, and that was the only option available then, and thousands of people used it for 20 (actually, nearly 30 for some) years, and suddenly, a company comes out with a "better" toaster oven that cooks high on 10 and low on 1, many of those thousands of people would not like it. Are you getting my point? People might burn the crap out of their toast for a long time when they only wanted the damn thing lightly browned because they're used to setting it on 10 to get very little heat. Not saying that a 25 year old buying his first toaster oven wouldn't like the "better" one more. I'm saying that the aversion of people to change the way they've played for 20+ years is understandable.

"Admittedly there will always be some people who fall outside the norm, and don't operate under normal rules of psychology. You don't write your game for these people."

Right, which is what I said in my first post on this thread:
[[And for all of you who say you feel that WotC doesn't care about're right. They don't care about you.]]

The reason for posting this was that 3e had a reason...and that reason was not the "old-school gamers" who will not turn from their rules to a new set. And I understand them. I do, however, think that 3e was marketed to another gamer, and that it has accomplished its goal admirably. I am not arguing that 3e sucks. I'm arguing that you cannot dictate others likes and dislikes to them. I don't care how nutritious a tomato is. I don't care how good it is for me...I don't like the damn things. They make me sick, (and I'm not allergic to them...they just taste nasty.) No one can tell me that I should or should not like them based on how nutritious they are or how easy they are to eat. I don't like them.

"[[ But it irks me when people think that they can dictate people's likes and dislikes to others. ]]
--I wonder if it irks you when people think they can read somebody's post, and despite being completely uninformed on the subject, unwilling to read carefully and understand, and generally of limited reasoning capacity, these people still think they have a right to get preachy and elitist?"

Again, this response can be attributed to your misunderstanding of the reason for my posting. I am telling you that the word "better" is highly subjective. You cannot tell someone that anything is better. It depends on their likes and dislikes. I am not uninformed about what I am arguing about. I am not arguing the superiority of 3e or against the superiority of 3e. I am arguing that there are people who are going to think 3e sucks...and they're right...and then there are going to be people who think 1e sucks...and they're you see???? I think that there are a lot of people who like 3e, and I think that's awesome. If they've found a system that they like and have fun playing, then their mission in their RPG life is accomplished. They've found a GAME which by playing, they HAVE FUN. If someone likes 1e because they are used to the rules, and having an AC of 10 sucks in those rules, but they like it that way because it's been that way for them for 20+ years, then good for them, and I wish them many orc-slaying, treasure-grabbing gaming sessions.


Ooooh, a bite. Goody.

I know an insult when I write one, Jack. "The fact that you 3e munchkins couldn't cope with THAC0 explains a lot" was meant to be an insult. Give your self a big gold star, I'm very proud you got it. My point still stands; 3e players are ultra-hypersensitive about the system. Your examples of a handful of irritated non-3e players doesn't change that. Did YOU even read my comments? My example conversation was simply meant as a small illustration of the general over-the-top defensiveness of 3e players - a point which you seem to be bearing out quite nicely, thank you.

My point, (if you had paid any attention), about Skills and Feats is that, from my experience, and from the impression I've gleaned from the comments above, 3e players regard Feats and Skills as effectively the ONLY way to customise a PC. Almost all 3e players I have ever talked to, or read comments by, seem to delight in describing their PCs as nothing more than a walking, talking (if the DM, annoyingly, absolutely insists), pile of Skills and Feats. Apparently, before the introduction of MtG like Feats, impoverished 2e PCs could never be that much different from each other ....

"The only real difference between to 5th level fighters [in 2e] would be their items and attributes. In 3e, you have feats and skills thrown into the mix, plus a much simpler multiclassing system, all of which adds up to characters that are as different as real people are."

See? 3e players talk as though 2e PCs were mere paper cutouts because the poor unfortunate creatures were without an Arse-scratch Feat in the world :( Like I said, way off in the Long Before, PC customisation was done by creating an interesting culture, personality and history (with a dash of proficiencies) - NOT BY FEAT/SKILL MIN/MAXING.

Your argument that a Skill, such as Bluff, lends itself to good roleplaying runs contrary to the 'roleplaying orientated' minimal rules systems that try and do away with all the *squeaks* and *honks* for a better game. It's arguable that an attempt to Bluff a guard with a dice roll is hardly an "improvement" to roleplaying over a player trying to come up with a clever story in an attempt to talk the PC past the guard. In the end, we're supposed to be problem solving, not just rolling dice. Such skills might let a shy or lazy player off the hook, but it's not necessarily an aid to roleplaying.

Oh dear, another opinion. You seem to have a lot of those. My point about PC kits, Jack, me old mate, revolved entirely around the fact that you seemed to slag them off ... which I must admit, I had never heard anyone whine about before. Your opinion that Prestige Classes are better may be right, then again may be they ain't - but who gives a rat's arse? Kits are really nothing more than small packages of culture specific information (a Barbarian PC would probably have a Fire-Building prof. whereas a Cavalier would be more likely have an Etiquette prof. etc.). They full filled that role perfectly well.

Your opinion that a lower THAC0 the better "doesn't make a lot of sense" is not really much of an 'argument' is it? A lower price of beer would be better, right? A lower blood pressure would be better, right? A lower chance of being shot by an orc would be better, right? There are a lot of things would be better the lower they are, so your belief that higher-equals-better is naturally more intuitive is your opinion only. So, "why should a 1 THAC0 be better than a 20?" Got me beat. About as much reason as an Attack Bonus +5 should be better than a +1, I guess. Oh, and Jack, 3e players are the ones who keep squealing like stuck pigs about THAC0 - all I did is respond.

As for not making any argumets to why 3e is Munchkin ... is that still in any doubt?! I'm sorry, I must have missed that memo. You're quite correct, saying that 3e is munchkin over and over again wont make it so, the tone of the rules do that all on their own. Just read some of the above posts, you'll work it out.

Hmmm ... "simple, obvious and immature". Ow. Ow. Please stop.


[[ Do you feel under attack or something? ]]
--Not really. Basically here's what I've found in my time spent arguing with people on notesboards: If you're polite, and make good points, people will just ignore you. It's a given that most people don't know what they're talking about, and won't have any really valid arguments to come back with, so for the most part they'd rather breeze past posts that point out how wrong they are. For example, poster Cameron. He makes a valid point, he does it quietly and concisely, and he's ignored. I don't post to be ignored, I post to have a discussion.
--So, if I don't toss a few insults around, nobody will even pay attention.

[[ Every skill you add dilutes the power of other skills. ]]
--Which, as I said, was exactly the point. If you had one skill that was able to handle all forms of detection for you, all you'd have to do is buff this single skill up and see a disproportionate amount of benefit. The dilution is done intentionally, to make the skills have the same overall value as others. If you want to have four ranks in "detection skills" it costs three times as much as getting four ranks in jumping, because there's three detection skills and only one jump skill.
--This is just one way to handle skill balance. If you don't like it, that's fine. However you have to realize it was done intentionally, and for a good reason. It also provides the added benefit of allowing more personal detail to creep in. Playing a nearsighted young page with sharp ears? Good listen, bad spot. Playing an aging ranger? Still sharp eyed, but his hearing is fading? Good spot, bad listen. In your version of the system, you would just spend three times as much for the "detection skill" and average all your means of detection out. Not necessarily worse, but I don't like it as much as the 3e system, because it forces an added layer of complexity to the skill buy system, and it removes a level of detail from the character's skills. On the upside it leads to a shorter skill list, but that doesn't sway me.
--All of this is part of designing a RPG system. The fact that you appear to be unwilling or unable to look at the pros and cons of various design decisions in this process is why I said earlier that you "don't have the experience with 3e and possibly with RPGs in general to make a very qualified assessment." I apologize if that offends you, but the simple fact is that you're not looking at the debate with any degree of intelligent criticality. You're not really trying to understand the choices that went into the system.
--"I don't like d4s." "I don't like having more than one skill for detection." You're starting at the conclusion, basically a gut reaction, then not even bothering to provide basis. You need to start with the basis and reach the conclusion. Why are there three detection skills? I told you why twice now. If you don't like it that way, then tell me why. Don't just repeat that you don't like it, and justify it with the very reason it was done that way.

[[ I do as much cross-indexing in any other game I play (more in Rolemaster) ]]
--More in Rolemaster? Man, Rolemaster doesn't just have more tables, it's got INFINITELY more tables.

[[ You're starting to sound religious here. ]]
--Could be because I have a lot of faith in the new rules. Really I have no problem being labeled as a zealot with regards to the 3e rules. I love them, I think they're great, I think they're a model for any logical system, RPG or otherwise.
--However I'm getting increasingly sick of the double standard going on here. You and your 3e hating cronies go on and on about 3e fan attitude, all the while ignoring the rabid, insult tossing 2e fanbois posting on this very thread.
--Hell, look in the mirror. You're the one that whipped out the curse words and off topic insults. I just made a comment about your ability (or lack thereof) to critically evalute RPGs, which I stand by. You responded with curses.

[[ Basing a character around Perception is boring. ]]
--I'm not sure how to respond here. I've got one 2e fan (Tas) telling me that 3e is hack n slash, now I've got you telling me that it's so NOT hack n slash that it's boring... Don't know what to say. I mean, a few lines up in your post you're saying that power combos are boring too. What isn't boring? Playing tough characters is boring... Playing finesse characters is boring... Huh?
--All I can tell you is that the skill system standardizes the various tasks thieves used to undertake, and adds a number of others to fill out a unified system. So, in the same way a 2e thief was all about hiding, sneaking, picking locks, and detecting traps, so too is a 3e rogue able to do that. However the 3e rogue is far more flexible, and the skill system is more standardized and easier to use.
--Believe me, basing a character around good skills is not only interesting, but very useful. If your party has a rogue in it that can protect the party from surprise with his detection skills, or gather information with his sneaking, that's very valuable, and very fun to play. Part of the reason that 2e is so inferior to 3e is because the skill system in 2e wasn't just bad, it was non-existant. It's only natural you'd think playing a skill based character wasn't fun; you've never experienced it done right. Give 3e a second chance and see for yourself.

[[ They give blank stares when I'm less than enthusiastic about the system. ]]
--I think you're going to have to get used to that. This system is a dramatic improvement over 2e. You can call that opinion, you can call it fact, you can call it whatever you want. But to most people (it seems), it's FACT. In my experience, mostly anybody who sees this game isn't just impressed, they're instant fans. You can imagine why they might be confused with your lack of enthusiasm, as a result.
--Rather than getting all taken aback, and wondering why EVERYONE in the world but you is weird, maybe you should take a more proactive approach, and go learn 3e well, play it for a while, and see if you don't think it's a great game. I just can't help but guess that you've not given it a fair shake.

[[ The only way I can make sense of this is that the incident was an excuse, and the real reason we were kicked out was our having been rather critical of the system. ]]
--A section of "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance," discusses a friend of the author's that just doesn't care about how his own motorcycle works. For the author, understanding his machine is just a forgone conclusion. To him, knowing things and wanting to know things is the only way. His friend's lack of interest, and possibly even deliberate desire NOT to know things, makes him question who his friend really is and if he really is a friend. For most people, friends are resources. They provide you with insights and angles on problems that you value. However, if they're significantly opposed to your way of thinking, or don't seem able to stimulate you, you tend to lose insterest in them.
--Now, turn to 3e. To many people, myself included, this system is a quantum leap forward. With that in mind, if a friend of mine insisted that the system was no good, it would REALLY make me question if I wanted to be friends with that person. Not because their opinion on a game matters, because that's quite childish, but instead it's because their inability to appreciate DnD might make me question whether they really have anything going on their head worth my time to hear.
--Imagine if one of your friends turns out to think that the world is flat. Wouldn't you lose respect for this person? Wonder if you really ever knew the guy at all? Wonder how he could be SO foolish?
--Combine all that with the fact that you were knowingly disrupting the game, and I don't think it's a surpise they wanted you to leave. It's sad, but that's just how things go.
--I think it's interesting that you mention this whole situation, because it really casts you in a biased light with regards to 3e. You show up at a 3e game, you're skeptical about the new system, and you get kicked out of the game. A fairly typical human response in that case would be to reject 3e, and blame it for all your problems. Clearly you have to be soured to the game based on that experience, and your perspective is thusly slanted.

[[ If I like 1e or 2e better than 3e, then 3e, to me is not a better system. ]]
--And really we both agree on this. As I made clear, I understand that people like what they like. However I would argue that if these folks who think they like 1e/2e better would approach 3e with a TRULY open mind, give it a fair chance to show what it can do, they'd be converts.
--But still, you're right. If they enjoy 2e and don't enjoy 3e, even after trying super-hard to give 3e a chance, then that's all there is to it. They should keep playing 2e.
--However, if somebody likes to have their car's steering wheel coated in maple syrup, and insist it's more comfortable for them to use, no matter how open minded you are, that guy is still a weirdo. It's never gonna make sense to us non-syrup folks.

[[ The simple fact that you would even type this shows your fundamental ignorance of my own point. ]]
--No, not really.
--See, first off, I have, to a large degree conceded your point. People like what they like, and "there's no accounting for taste." That's fine.
--But like I said above, there's extremes. If one guy likes chocolate ice cream, and one likes vanilla, neither of these guys is nuts. But of one likes chocolate and one likes asshole flavored, then one of those dudes is pretty weird, all subjectivity aside.
--So, my point is that you don't generally want to say you are ignorant to one of the two things you're claiming it's reasonable to like. It doesn't really destroy your point, as I might have indicated, but it weakens your credibility.
--I agree with you that people have every right to prefer 2e and I realize that some do. I just think that preferring a more clunky, less flexible game is a bit odd.

Right on...I'm glad we can see each others' views. After all, I came to this board to see what people had to say. I'm not only criticizing 3e-fans who say 2e or 1e sucks without saying anything else. (Though I am indeed criticizing them.) I'm also criticizing 1e or 2e fans that say 3e sucks without having to say anything about it. (After all, it doesn't help me in the least when they say that.)

And the reason I said that I knew not a whole lot about 3e was so that someone didn't try to drag me into a technical debate about what I didn't like about 3e. :) Because I don't not like it! I haven't had too much of a chance to look at it. (And I probably won't for awhile...just got started on Hackmaster. If I ever get bored of that, (and I'm not sure that will happen,) I'll ask my players if they want to take a look at it. Maybe they will, maybe they won't.

However I wouldn't go so far as to compare 1 or 2e to asshole flavored ice cream, (though it was damn funny!) Laughed pretty hard there! I've read about a lot of the changes you have brought up in your other posts and I think they're interesting, but the changes I've seen made to D&D aren't really enough to dampen my interest in the 1e-like rules I'm using, but they ARE enough to provoke me to take a closer look at the rules next time I have an hour or so to kill at Barnes and Noble. L8er.


[[ Ooooh, a bite. Goody. ]]
--Indeed. Thanks for taking a few seconds out of your busy day of being impressed with your own trite, girly receptionist style humor to respond to me.

[[ 3e players regard Feats and Skills as effectively the ONLY way to customise a PC ]]
--All 3e players think this way. It's physically impossible for 3e players to view roleplaying in general from differing viewpoints. Sarcasm.
--The game system is a tool. It can't make a hardcore roleplayer into a hack n slasher and it can't do the reverse. All 3e does is offer more flexibility, which is good. The players bring the rest.

[[ Such skills might let a shy or lazy player off the hook, but it's not necessarily an aid to roleplaying. ]]
--Which is why we once again see the frailty of your whole "3e players do this, 2e do that" stereotypes.
--If you don't like making rolls to resolve roleplaying elements of the game, then don't do it. Good old rule zero again. However, at least 3e has the option. 2e does not. Having the option is better than not.
--My preference is to use the rolls, but to require the player to still RP out what his character says. He will get a modifier to his roll based on how good I feel his RPing was. This blending of chance and arbitrary ruling is what makes gaming fun.

--Your unwillingness to accept powergaming as a valid way to enjoy the hobby is really rather sad. You can't even have a fun time with a hobby game without having to be elitist about it, and place yourself above the lowly "munchkins."
--Personally I like a blend. I like to have characters min-maxed as well as possible, so long as they fit into their character's personality, and that personality is present at every session and in every action the character takes.
--However my way, your way, or anybody else's way of enjoying the game is not "better." This is what Sir Tal has been arguing, and I largely agree with him.
--You've basically stacked two degrees of ridiculousness atop one another, and expect us to swallow it. First step is to claim that ALL 3e players are powergamers. Next is to claim that one way of playing RPGs is inherantly superior to all others. Stupid. Not all 3e players are powergamers, and even if they were, it wouldn't matter so long as they have fun.

[[ Your opinion that a lower THAC0 the better "doesn't make a lot of sense" is not really much of an 'argument' is it? ]]
--Actually it is. Lower being better is not inuitive, and if you conducted a study of 100 Australians, you'd find that I was correct. I conducted a study of a single person (my roomate), and she felt that a higher "hitting ability value" was better than a low one.
--You're absolutely right that THAC0 is simple to figure out. However, being simple and backwards doesn't mean we have to keep doing it backwards. The 3e system makes more sense. There's no reason NOT to change.

[[ As for not making any argumets to why 3e is Munchkin ... is that still in any doubt?! ]]
--Yeah, I'd say there is.
--The fact is, there's nothing new in 3e. Everything in 3e was already in 2e, it's just that now it's actually laid out in a way that makes sense.
--Let's take a look at the pinnacle of the 3e offensive feats, "whirlwind attack." This VERY attack is detailed in the 1e Oriental Adventures book, virtually in the same form, and is available to Kensai characters, if I recall. The same can be said for various other feats in one form or another. Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization feats are nothing new, there was weapon specialization in previous versions as well. Ambidexterity, Blindfighting? Again, in 2e, just in a kludgey ruleshack sort of way.
--You want to tell me that what I've just said isn't true? Try it. You'll be wrong.
--Fact is, all 3e has done is cleaned 2e up. It hasn't become "more munchkin" at all.

Okay, Let me start by saying that I like the 3e rules. I run a game in them, and have decided that they were superior to the 2e rules about 15 minutes after starting to read my Player's Handbook.
However, I CAN see why some of the 2e holdouts (you WILL be converted, it's only a matter of time) feel that 3e is "munchkinville". It does give that impression. The new rules can easily support blatant power-mongering by the players. What is forgotten, is that none of this can happen without the DM's approval. No matter how munchkin-prone the rules are, if the DM doesn't want to allow it, it ain't going to happen.

My next point. I DO feel that the Forgotten Realms for 3e IS munchkinville. The power levels of the characters are cranked about 3 notches above a standard character. Tell me all about your cool Barbarian/Wizard/Druid. I'll listen, I may even smile and laugh along with you. That won't stop me from thinking that your DM is a friggin twink that can't keep his players in line. Start telling me about your Gnome illusionist with his black powder weapon, and my eyes are going to glaze over, and a snarl with form on my lips. One other thing. The black powder (or smoke powder, whatever the hell the offical name is) weapons were bad enough. Reading about Xena's chakram, made me want to burn the book. That's all. Thank you.

A few observations:

1.) On THAC0 - Any gamer that has been around since 1e or 2e days (which I have) will have long-ago mastered THAC0 and will of course not see it as difficult. If you are talking to a 15-year D&D vet, THAC0 (1e/2e) or BAB (3e) are equally easy to understand.

THAC0 is NOT intuitive, or people would be able to easily pick it up. The fact that it becomes easy to deal with over time does not make it intuitive, it merely means, "you can get used to it." Most old-school gamers I know will admit that it took a while to get used to THAC0. In fact, I know of very few people who told me they understood THAC0 perfectly the first try and never had problems with it thereafter.

However, if you talk to the player who has two hours of experience with RPGs, he's likely to be confused by THAC0. BABs will be much easier for him to understand, because they are more intuitive.

Further proof that BABs are more intuitive: it is easier to understand BABs if you already know THAC0 than it is to understand THAC0 if you already know BABs.

Also - the reason for THAC0 was the AC system... which went backwards in 1e. I read a review of D&D written back in about 1976 - and one of the author's complaints was that the AC system is bass-ackward (and he loved the game - in fact, the book was a guide to all board games from Monopoly to Chess to Diplomacy to D&D and he rated D&D tops by a longshot). I quote:

"You have the ridiculous spectacle of a fighter in plate and a shield (AC 2) who finds a +3 shield, getting a resulting Armor Class of -1. Yup, 2+3= -1. Makes you wonder how they got out of algebra, doesn't it?"

He makes the point (and it is valid) that you can get used to it, but that even in 1976, some people thought that ACs were done strangely.

With the change of AC rules in 3e, BABs can be introduced. While this DOES lower the "entry bar" considerably, I thought the point was allowing as many people as possible to join in the game and have fun.

We need new blood in the hobby to go with the old. That doesn't mean we have to force out the old to gain the new, but it also means we don't keep out the new just to satisfy the old.

2.) Role-playing vs. Roll-playing

I have heard repeatedly, "if you're a true role-player, you act out your negotiating / bargaining / whatever sessions." In other words, you remove the role of the Charisma, Intelligence, and Wisdom attributes of your character (except as they apply towards spellcasting) and replace them with your own. This makes the system rife for abuse as suddenly only the physical (read: Combat-Oriented) attributes have any meaning in game terms.

OTOH, solving things solely with a skill roll sucks the "Role" out of Role-playing, but preserves the game function of Charisma, Intelligence, and Wisdom, making these attributes more important except in 100% hack-n-slash (TM) campaigns.

The solution HAS to be a mixture of the two to prevent abuse... and I feel a good marriage of the two is to allow the player to role-play the encounter, then have him make a skill roll with modifiers based on the DM's perception of how he handled it. Then role-playing is important (modifiers) but so are the character's attributes and skills (the game mechanics which reflect his character's ability to interact with the world around him). I would point out that NEITHER 1e, 2e, nor 3e uses this as a standard system, though it is worth noting that one of the 3e DMG authors explicitly suggested this system on his website.

3.) Role-playing, not game abilities, differentiates characters.

True and false. The point that Joe the 5th level fighter and Fred the 5th level fighter are pretty much the same as far as game statistics in 1e or 2e IS valid. If we define our characters solely by their game statistics, we are on the path to "rules lawyering" and/or "munchkining" but it was my feeling that the character's skills and statistics are supposed to reflect his ability to influence the game world. I can role-play Joe as the mounted Knight in Heavy Plate that uses a lance exclusively and role-play Fred as the trash-talking, leather-armor-wearing, rapier-swinging rapscallion who is a master duelist.

But do the characters' statistics reflect the roles I have chosen for them in 1e or 2e? Usually not very well - in fact, if Fred picked up a Lance and plate mail and Joe grabbed a rapier, Joe could use his rapier as well as Fred and Fred would be a horror on a horse now. In other words, I can role-play the characters, but there is nothing inherent in the system to reward me for doing so - or even that makes my roles believable.

In 3e, perhaps Joe has taken Mounted Combat and specialized in the Lance, and has a high Riding skill (coupled with the Skill Focus feat to make him an outstanding rider). Perhaps Fred has instead taken Mobility and Expertise and focused in the Rapier, and has a high Tumble and Jump skill. Suddenly, the players' abilities actually match my role-playing descriptions of them... which, to me, is the best of both worlds... the characters' abilities and their role-playing descriptions can be married.

4.) Rule Sets

I have already harped on 1e and 2e being self-inconsistent, so I won't revisit that. It is (IMO) difficult to add to or take away from the "base" rules without unbalancing the rules. The Cavalier (UA), Barbarian (UA), Monk (1e PHB), and other similar characters show us that.

The point was also made that many 3e feats are just 2e "kludgy addons" cleaned up to fit within the system. I have to agree there. I liked them in 2e but they felt a little weird; they "work better" as part of the system in 3e. They're now in the system instead of outside of it.

3e is more "modular" - it is pretty easy to add new stuff within the scope of the rules. It is also easy to take stuff out without affecting balance too badly. Granted, you can add "munchkin" stuff, but because the system is modular, it is easier to compare "add-ins" (i.e., is this Feat about the same in power as this other one?), which means game imbalance due to "house rules" is less of a problem.

Saving Throws are easier to ajudicate (sp?) - rather than saying "make a save versus Wands to avoid the spear trap" (why Wands? Why not Spell or Dragon Breath?) you make a Reflex save ("get out of the way!").

Saving Throws versus spells are proportional to the experience of both the caster (implicit in the spell level) and the target (why is it just as easy for a 1e character to avoid spells thrown by a 3rd level or 23rd level wizard?). IMO, this is a better reflection of reality.

And as for having to look for all the darn tables, it's actually pretty easy to memorize the key tables in 3e since most things follow specific patterns (e.g., Saving Throws are "good" or "bad" and improve at a specific rate based on being good or bad while in 2e and 1e they seem somewhat random from class to class).

I have been gaming for many years. I loved 1e. I liked 2e. I REALLY loved the old Boxed Sets. But they always felt, well, like they had been thrown together kind of haphazardly (surprise uses d6 except some creatures use d8 or d12; use 10-sided dice plus speed factors for initiative; use d20s to hit and for saves and roll high; use d20s for ability score checks and roll low; use percentile dice for thief skills; racial level caps because the demihumans are too powerful compared to humans; spell and bow ranges suddenly triple - from feet to yards - when you step out of a dungeon and into the outside air; etc. etc.). There were a lot of things that were counter-intuitive to me (though I eventually adjusted), and the system just felt like a lot of different systems thrown together in a crazy-quilt pattern.

As I learned more about the history of the game, I saw many vestigal evidences of the naval miniatures rules from which D&D was originally derived, which are great for naval miniatures but not quite so good for role-playing. Some of the things may fall into what people now call "sacred cows." As more rules were added, they built upon things that were already there - some of which were kind of awkward, and the more that was built, the more awkward and unwieldly the entire system became.

It was kind of like a mansion that had been built upon and built upon and built upon... kind of lopsided and unmatched, with some baroque sculptures here, an eastern minaret there, some gothic flying butresses here and some modern architecture there, but still beautiful in its own way. But the main structure of the mansion can't be changed in any meaningful way without ripping it to the ground.

When I began seeing 3e, I was interested. When I sat down with the book and pulled the system apart, I liked what I saw. The designers razed the rules to the ground and started over because they *had* to in order to effect meaningful change. They kept some of the "sacred cows" but decided others were too outdated and kludgey (and for the most part, I had already ripped out the same stuff they had in my own house rules). But everything was in a pattern and built around a consistent system of mechanics. Can you argue with some of the choices they made? Of course.

But in my opinion, the system itself was laid out in a much better fashion than the old system - it was consistent, it was modular, and it was clean and easily understood. The consistency helps mitigate rules-lawyering and loophole-finding (though you can never entirely eliminate this). The modularity makes house rules easier to implement than ever. And the ease of understanding makes this wonderful hobby that we enjoy more accessible to everyone.

The new D&D is more like a modern building - beautiful and functional and cohesive, but somewhat lacking the charm of the original mansion simply because the mansion has the quaintness and history that the new building doesn't. Does that make either one better? Maybe, maybe not. But that is a matter of opinion.

5.) On semi-religious fanaticism...

It seems to me that the 2e zealots are much worse than the 3e zealots. The argument has kind of boiled down to "tastes great! less filling!" 2e zealots label 3e players "munchkin," "immature," and "roll-players." Many 3e zealots label 2e players as "old fuddy-duddies who are outdated," "slavishly devoted to a bad system," and "intolerant." There's plenty of intolerance and immaturity coming from both camps, believe me.

IMO, 3e is a superior system when considered completely independent of the players that use it due to the arguments I presented in #4. Does it lend itself more easily to "super characters" built within the rules? Yes, I think so. Does it lend itself more easily to role-playing by making the rules easier and quicker so that players are free to focus less on the rules and more on role-playing? Yes, I think so.

3e is what you make it. You can rules-lawyer and create "uber-munchkin" characters in EITHER system. You can role-play in EITHER system. IMO, 3e is a better, more flexible system that does a better job meeting the desires of its players and as such lends itself to be better bent to EITHER end.

1e/2e players will eventually become a dying breed, IMO, not because TSR/WotC stopped supporting it (heavens knows enough of the stuff is printed and readily available in used bookstores and E-bay). I think the problem is that those players who refuse to "play that infidel 3e" come off as kind of elitist and will this not engender good feelings in other RPGers ("come on, what the heck's the matter with you? THAC0 isn't hard!") and hence they will have a difficult time adding to their ranks. This is not to say that all 1e/2e players are elitists, and not to say that no 3e players are elitists (we already see "3e is the best thing since sliced bread! Why would you want to play anything as rigid and cookie-cutter as 2e?")

I belive you will find more players who usually play 3e and are familiar with (and willing to play) 2e than you will find players who usually play 2e and are familiar with (and willing to play) 3e. This will make the perception into "those who play 2e are elitists because they won't play 3e." Is that perception fair? Maybe not. But if I was a new gamer who stumbled across this thread, I would probably feel that way.

So here's my "final answer:"

If you want to play 2e, great. Maybe I'll join you from time to time.
If you want to play 3e, great. I'd love to be in your campaign.

As for myself, I am going to run 3e because IMO it is a superior system and with it I can bring more new blood into my campaigns (I am currently running a campaign that has involved over a dozen players - about five regulars - who have experience with RPGs ranging from 15 years to 15 minutes). To me, there's nothing more refreshing than players who are scared even of goblins and kobolds because they don't know their stats inside and out already.

The bottom line in everything is imagination. I buy Shadowrun and Earthdawn and Palladium and Cyberpunk and other stuff nearly as often as I buy 3e stuff - to steal ideas from, of course. I have played nearly every system imaginable, and I like 3e for ease of use (my personal favorite for creating balanced and realistic characters? GURPS.) so that's why I play it. But that doesn't mean I don't want stuff from other systems. Keep it all coming.

But don't give Xena's Chakram... that 3e is modular enough to support that is perhaps an indictment that it is a little TOO modular...

--The Sigil

[[ However, if you talk to the player who has two hours of experience with RPGs, he's likely to be confused by THAC0. ]]
--Sure, but as our friend Tas has made very clear to us already, "newbies," "munchkins" and generally everyone not directly involved with Tas' gaming group is a complete jerk, and really not playing the game "right."
--All sarcasm aside, though, it's a fact that THAC0 is less intuitive than 3e To Hit. You can restate it all day, but where there's people too stupid to accept the most basic building blocks of debate, there can never be a fortress of logic. Instead we shall be forced to dwell in Tas' ramshackle hut of delusion and self-congratulation.
--Debate is like mathematical proof. If your opponent won't accept that 1 = 1, then you can't prove a damn thing.

General perception... it has pros and cons, I'll bring it up to my DM.

I'm basically a pro 3e system kinda guy, but I have to admit that the whole 3E Realms make me sick, but then so did FR Adventures. But it might suit some people, I don't care.

I still think the Prestige Classes are nice. Although some DM's who handle RPG's like computer games, can't see past the letter of the rules and forget the spirit behind it (if that sentence doesn't work in english sorry it works in my first language french).

Munchkins will always exist, min/maxing too and if left unchecked by the DM will be detrimental (in my opinion) to any campaign. But the opposite is also too true. Does anyone remember Alternity? We had character we called Mr. Broad skill. The guy had the most useless skills (but all at low ranks).
He was useless in a fight, at piloting, at science, at investigation but man he was the best dancer, poet, heraldist, singer, cook and leather worker in the group (I'm not making this up I swear). It's all about game balance, flavour and power go hand in hand to make great characters who have funny, exciting and memorable adventures (it's even better if they have style).

I personnaly find that 3e rules facilitate all the other stuff that isn't role playing and story telling. You know all that anoying stuff that keeps adding lag to a game session... ah yeah here it is: dice rolling and checking for the result.

I must admit having problems with the unintuitive way THAC0 and the other rolls were made in 2e, I had problems with the attribute progression (especially strength and dexterity).

But 3E has some unintuitive stuff too: a dagger is as kick as a great sword? ATTACKS OF OPPORTUNITY oh man! we've had arguments about that one...

Mind you I don't really think anyone here is stupid except those who can't seem to have a discussion without demeaning other people. I'm not so sure about the stats here (I rather make a rough estimate) but it seems to me that 2e and 3e apologists (look the word up if you'd like) belittle their opposition equally.
I think we all sound like a bunch of geeks without personnal lives when that happens and it makes gamers at large look bad.

Man I make a great moralistic preacher don't I?

Pedantry aside, do you catch my drift folks?

Why can't we all be friend? Now sing along!
I love you! You love me! We're true friends... ah to hell wit that.

Cthulhu Matata

Some wonderful posts, and I thank you. Some feedback:

The Sigil: Awesome post. I've been lurking in many 1e-2e-3e debates for a long time (when I have spare time) to find out as much about 3e as I can. (I don't have the time to spend hours in Barnes and Nobles looking at the rulebook...nor do I have to money to buy the stuff to see whether I like it.) However, most of the posters just piss me off because they don't say anything worth saying. Jack has really helped by providing some specific information for me to consider. And that most recent post of yours, Sigil was great. It's probably one of the best (and longest) pro-3e posts out there. I admit, I had some problems with AC when I picked up Hackmaster (based on 1e AD&D), but now that I've got those figured out, I'm cool, but I understand both your and Jack's point about it not being intuitive and I concede that my arguments about AC or THAC0 were more having to do with the desire to stick with what is comfortable, and what has been the norm for almost 30 years for some.

However, while I agree with your comment that 1e-2e players are going to become a dying breed, I must say that I don't think that is because they will be "converted" to 3e. But rather because as older gamers pass on (pardon my callous manner of speech here), newer gamers will take their places at the table, and these newer gamers will naturally be drawn to the newer games. (And this is what I had originally posted about regarding who WotC is marketing to....a darn good marketing plan.) Though due to Hackmaster's success, I think that 1e and 2e gamers will have a great option if they want stuff that supports their good ol' campaigns. (And it even appealed to me, and I'd never played AD&D before Hackmaster.)

[[Although some DM's who handle RPG's like computer games, can't see past the letter of the rules and forget the spirit behind it (if that sentence doesn't work in english sorry it works in my first language french).]]

Actually, Sam, that sentence made perfect sense, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. :)

L8er all.


[[ Munchkins will always exist, min/maxing too ]]
--Something occurs to me. Min/Maxing IS roleplaying. Why? Cause, you're taking on the role of a character in a dangerous world. It stands to reason that this character would spend much of his energy sharpening his skills, and looking to make himself as powerful and survivable as possible. In the same way that athletes are constantly looking for drills, techniques, nutritional plans, etc. so too would a fantasy character look to sharpen his own skillset.
--Really, when you think about it, all this complementing people for putting personality before numbers is false. Working on quiliting isn't roleplaying. It's not what a real person would do, when faced with a world of violence and danger.

[[ Jack has really helped by providing some specific information for me to consider. ]]
--No matter how much of a fanboi I am, I can never do 3e justice. Seriously, save some cash, steal, whatever. Get a copy. It's just a great system, and it still stays true to the traditions we love.
--My 3e Slogan: "You loved it when the rules sucked, imagine it now."

[[ the desire to stick with what is comfortable, and what has been the norm for almost 30 years for some. ]]
--Once you play 3e for a bit, all the 2e house rules and tricks you had to come up with to do even basic things start to fade from memory.
--I can hardly even remember all the special rules we had, can't even recall how we puzzled through a variety of problems that I know we must have somehow gotten through. 3e is just a load off the player's and DM's mind.

--As far as Hackmaster goes, I don't really see the attraction. I bought the book, I read through it, and it's sorta charming, but really it just looks like a re-release of 1e to me. There's some odd house-rule sorts of tables and stuff tossed in, but for the most part I don't see the point.

[[As far as Hackmaster goes, I don't really see the attraction. I bought the book, I read through it, and it's sorta charming, but really it just looks like a re-release of 1e to me. There's some odd house-rule sorts of tables and stuff tossed in, but for the most part I don't see the point.]]

And that is something that I've heard before from people, and I think it's a valid opinion. However, I point to its success in the face of 3e and think that there's got to be something there. I bought it because I was looking for a new RP system. We had been playing MERP and got kinda sick of it. (Though the Critical Hit charts are freakin' hilarious...2 of my monsters accidentally killed themselves the first session, and one of my players killed himself by trying to read a rune that contained a huge lightning bolt spell. Very funny.)

I had been reading Knights of the Dinner Table and liked the comic and liked how it kinda poked fun at AD&D 1st and 2nd edition. When Hackmaster came out, what snagged my attention was the over-the-top hack and slash, possibility for hilarity, that it had. I know it won't appeal to many. (Especially those that love 3e as much, and that's fine.) We've ran some quickie tournaments using it and created some characters and we're really looking forward to the GMG coming out next month so we can run an adventure.

Not everyone will like it, just like I know some 1e and 2e enthusiasts who have played quite a bit in 3e and still don't like it as well. And that's fine. It's just an option. (One I'll continue to plug.) :)



I really don't think hardcore 1e/2e players will convert. I agree with you that they will eventually "die off" either literally or due to lack of interest by others (IOW, no one to game with).

If you would like me to explain/compare/contrast specific portions of 1e/2e/3e, let me know via the forum here and I will do my best.

--The Sigil

Actually, you did a great job, Sigil. I enjoyed your post. Thanx.


"Remember that old character you loved because he lived and died being worthy of his fate?"

This is kind of a loaded question. In other words, "think back to the good ol' days." D&D, of any edition, is what you make it.

Could a 3e character kick the butt of an equivalent-level 2e or 1e character? Most probably. But remember that the monsters are bigger and badder too. When the 3e PHB came out, there were cries of, "invincible characters! Munchkinism!" everywhere. I reminded people, "we haven't seen their opponents yet - wait for the MM to come out. You can't judge the game after seeing just one third of it."

I run a 3e campaign. 3e characters AREN'T immortal or invincible. I had a PC death every 3-4 sessions. Most of them were heroic (though the guy that tried to hurdle the pit trap and failed - three times - was stupid). In fact, in one climactic battle, out of a party of ten, only one PC (a barbarian) was left standing when the dust cleared. Three PCs dead, the rest bleeding to death, and the barbarian standing with 2 hp.

Elevate your challenges to your PCs.

As for the rest of that post, "IT'S NOT JUST A GAME," dude, you're scaring me. It *IS* just a game. This is something we do for fun. It's something we do to "escape." It's not a religion, nor should it be.

--The Sigil

[[ but third edition is the worst's not even an's an everwinning hero-game. ]]
--Even more of this ridiculous business...
--Here's why what you're saying is not only wrong, but can't possibly be right.
--Reason 1: Everything in 3e was in 2e, just in different and less organized format. People look at feats and consider them to be powermongering. 2e had the same powers, it just forced you into them. Fighters in 2e got weapon specialization. In 3e, fighters get bonus feats, which COULD be spent on weapon specialization, but can also be spent on other things. Same basic idea, just more flexibility in 3e, and better class balance.
--Reason 2: "Power" scales. No matter how min-maxed a character is, when he's 1st level he can't take on an adult red dragon. So, the term "everwinning" is meaningless when attached to a gaming system. If the DM wishes to kill his player characters, he can do it. If he wishes to put them up against hopelessly feeble enemies and give them vorpal weapons as reward, he can do that too. Being unable to control the feel and pace of your game is your fault, not 3e's.
--Reason 3: Monsters, NPCs, etc. are all created with the same rules as PCs. How can 3e favor PCs when both PCs and their opposition are created with the same rules?
--Reason 4: Inability to master the full width and breadth of a keyboard's functionality, including the shift key, and spacebar, implies an inability to master the full functionality of the 3e rules.

--I don't really understand it, but it seems to me that huge sections of the population have absolutely no ability to perform logical process. They honestly think that stating a series of musings as if they were fact, makes them fact.

well...i've been a dm only 4 1/2 years but i think i've seen many things.3e came with promises.first i hated it then i got interested in it ,i tested it and i rejected the last few months i saw the destruction that fell upon all these that could have been real roleplayers.everyone kept talking about their powerfull players in 3rd edition their extrasupermagnificunbeatable heroes and forgot the essence.i am one of the last here and try to keep fantasy alive.2nd is not the best possible .but third edition is the worst's not even an's an everwinning hero-game.I'm really dissapointed .but you should look further.everyone has a dream for an unbeatable character.but that what you really want.and think.all this enthusiasm is it really because 3e is better?and in the end what memories do you have of 3e games and what of 2nd edition.remember that old character you loved because he lived and died being worthy of his fate.and thinkk of the unbeatable lifeless character you now have...don't become fanatics for a company...just think and the end it's your choise.don't make haste on taking it.because IT'S NOT JUST A GAME.

((I don't really understand it, but it seems to me that huge sections of the population have absolutely no ability to perform logical process. They honestly think that stating a series of musings as if they were fact, makes them fact.))

Yeah, and you know I'm damn sick of it. I am taking a philosophy class online this semester, and people are just spouting off these half-baked opinions and telling everyone they have to accept them as fact. They think that this Philo forum should be a "safe-haven" where people can spout poorly-thought-out opinions and expect to have equal weight with the philosophers of the ages. :) Just my short, off-topic rant.


Great discussion you guys. Here's something I came across in the 3E PHB which concerned me:

3E PHB: "If your scores are too low, you may scrap them and roll all six scores over. Your scores are considered too low if your total modifiers (before changes according to race) are 0 or less, or if your highest score is 13 or lower."

What ever happened to the suggestion that a player try and play a character with less than ideal stats as a chance to role-play?

2E PHB: "Don't give up on a character just because he has a low score. Instead, view it as an opportunity to role-play, to create a unique and entertaining personality in the game. Not only will you have fun creating that personality, but other players and the DM will have fun reacting to him."

Now, I admit I haven't read the 3E PHB or DMG cover to cover [so please don't flame me if I'm wrong], but is that suggestion still there? Both the 2E DMG and PHB implore players [and DMs to encourage them] to give less powerful characters a go. Does 3E? If not, I think it adds to the thesis that 3E is designed to appeal to Monty Haulers. I think that A Simple Fighter might be right about 3E and power-gaming. If you were to just read the books you would get the impression that the emphasis in 3E is on trying create everwining characters and dice rolling, not role-playing.

Ultimately, it might come down to the players and DM what your campaign is like, but how are new players going to understand that a large part of role-playing is meant to be about exploring your character's identity and personality, not just totting up his/her adds?

Ya, I agree with Flash, this is a great post ... although I haven't read all of it yet :P

I would like to add my small contribution. I have no opinion either way about 3rd Edition, but I would just like to point out that the argument that many things in 3rd Edition are just a re-hash of AD&D add-ons I think misses the point. Proficiencies such as blind fighting - in fact, the whole secondary skill/proficiency system - were completely optional. The problem with Feats is that they are an essential element in maintaining game balance between humans and the other races. Without class or level restrictions on demi-humans, humans, to compensate, get an extra feat when they begin. So, if you don't like Feats you can't just cut them out all together because it would destroy game balance between the races. The munchkin-like elements of 3rd Ed are permanently unfortunately built in.

Flash, the point that you are missing is that they are only suggesting scraping a character if ALL of the scores suck. While it could make for an interesting game, having a character that can barely even perform the tasks that are expected of his class just isn't much fun. Notice, the quote you have doesn't say to start over if you have a bunch of 3's and one 15. The quote is that if none of your scores are good enough to grant you a positive ability modifier, then try again. That doesn't sound that bad to me.

[[ What ever happened to the suggestion that a player try and play a character with less than ideal stats as a chance to role-play? ]]
--You can say whatever you want, but most players aren't gonna have fun if their characters are weaklings. Additionally, if they are so poorly rolled that they can't compete with the other players for a share of the action, they're gonna have even less fun.
--Now, I like to have roleplaying in the games I play, but not to the point that it's pretentious, or elitist. The "in-crowd" of gaming always likes to brag about how they're SO into roleplaying, they couldn't care LESS if their character is worth anything in a fight. That's fine if you're into that, but it's really not mandatory that the rest of us play that way.
--For my part, I'm gonna have more respect for the player with the dwarven fighter, who doesn't RP too much, but fulfils his role in the party, and keeps things moving, than I am gonna have for the quirky halfling barbarian with 8 Str and 9 Con, whose just such a silly silly fellow, as constantly and invasively demonstrated by his player.

[[ Both the 2E DMG and PHB implore players [and DMs to encourage them] to give less powerful characters a go. ]]
--Again, this isn't really a good or bad thing. Playing a character with poor stats doesn't make you a "better" gamer than somebody who rolled higher attributes.
--I understand your comment relates more to the tone of the books than to promoting one style of gameplay over another, but the promotion is definitely there. I'm not really saying that 3e isn't more min-max oriented than 2e (at least right here), but what I am saying is that it doesn't matter.

[[ So, if you don't like Feats you can't just cut them out all together because it would destroy game balance between the races. ]]
--As opposed to 2e where you ignored the racial level limits, and they were a kludgy and useless "balance" anyway, since they had no real effect on low to mid-level play?
--Sure, feats are an important part of the 3e game, but this is for the better, not the detriment of the game. I don't see why people think that the accessibility, or appearance of power gaming in 3e is a bad thing, much less why I should consider it self evident that it's bad. You're not forced to play as a power gamer, but you can. Feats don't really make it a power gamer's game anymore than any other system for managing special abilities.
--Basically what I'm getting at, is that your postulation that removing feats from 3e would imbalance it is sorta offbase, when you consider that 2e wasn't balanced at all in the first place? At least 3e starts balanced before you start needlessly hacking rules out. 2e never even heard of balance.

Basically, the 3e rule can be more simply interpreted as follows:

"If your character is not above the normal, everyday person, re-roll and start again."

The prototypical "normal human" has ability scores of all 10's and therefore no ability modifiers. IOW, your hero should be at least a little above the average person. Makes sense to me - while heroes shouldn't be invincible, one expects that they will be at least slightly above the norm.

As to the complaint that you can't hack out Feats and maintain game balance, I think the point that was made about 2e is quite valid. 2e isn't balanced at all. Elves, with their 90% sleep and charm resistance, +1 to hit with swords and bows, infravision, and ability to multiclass -- AT FIRST LEVEL -- are far better than humans in 2e or 1e. Especially, as mentioned, since level limits usually were not adhered to, and it didn't matter that they had level limits at lower levels anyway. Note that this does NOT contemplate such "optional" systems such as blind-fighting, proficiencies, etc. This is a character's basic makeup. Pretty much every demi-human race is more powerful than humans in 1e and 2e.

By making Feats a part of the system, the game designers were able to balance humans with the other races without burdening them with arbitrary level restrictions. Furthermore, as I have mentioned before, Feats are the perfect way for the game system to statistically reflect the way you role-play (see my Joe/Fred fighter comparison). Feats don't make you more powerful so much as they make you more specialized. They help balance the fighter with the ranger and the paladin (honestly, why would you every play a fighter in 2e or 1e if you had the ability scores to play a paladin).

The main point of Feats is to lend credence to your role-playing claims. You actually have the system back you up when you say, "my character knows all about the cults in the northwestern wastes" (Skill Focus - Knowledge: Religion) or "even though he isn't strong, my fighter's speed makes him surprisingly deadly with his rapier" (Weapon Expertise and Weapon Focus: Rapier).

It gives wizards and sorcerers the opportunity to be much more flexible with their spells (metamagic feats). Need a bigger, badder fireball? No problem (enlarge spell). Caught in a silence spell? No problem (silent spell Feat). Now you can't just screw a mage by throwing a silence blanket on him. It makes them more unpredictable and better able to spontaneously react to situations.

It especially does a good job of justifying the large number of magic items in most worlds. Think about it - the only method in 2e to create magic items is Enchant an Item and Permanency - 5th and 8th level wizard spells - meaning that unless your world is populated by lots of 15th level wizards with nothing better to do, where the heck are all the magic items coming from?
How the heck can a cleric create a magic item like a holy avenger anyway? Even potions are horribly expensive to make in terms of magical power. 3e fixes this so it makes sense to have a potion shop run by a hedge wizard in a little town. In 2e, the only items you REALLY ought to expect to find are scrolls!

The Feats system fixes a LOT of things that were kind of broken or counter-intuitive with 2e (the biggest thing, IMO, is the "where are all the magic items coming from" argument). The potential for abuse is there, as it has been in every edition of D&D. But at least now, there is a rationale for things that wasn't, well, ad hoc but instead built into the rules. After all, 1e didn't officially address the question of "how do I make a magic item?" until the FR4 supplment ("The Magister") was released. Even then, the rules were so limiting that it's surprising any magic items existed AT ALL. 2e didn't solve the problem any better.

So Feats give you an explanation of where magic items come from. They give spell-using characters greater flexibility. They give all characters a "game mechanic" that can back up your "role-playing" claims. They CAN be abused by those seeking uber-characters... sort of. Some of the more abusive Feats, IMO, are Whirlwind Attack and Spring Attack. However, these require three or four other Feats first, so developing these abilities requires the sacrifice of other abilities as you take some pretty weak feats before getting the strong ones (Dodge? +1 to AC versus a single foe? When I could go out and get something like Two-Weapon Fighting or Iron Will? Why would I take that? Oh. Because if I want the cool Spring Attack I have to have that first? Okay, if I have to I guess I have to... but now my character isn't as good as this other guy's... but I'll catch up later when I get to Spring Attack...). It's all about choices.

If there was the "perfect character" - in any system - every munchkin would have found it by now and would be using it. The multitude of choices in 3e (including Feats and Prestige Classes) that expands monthly, if not weekly, makes finding the "perfect character" all but impossible - not because you always need the "latest, greatest Feat or Prestige Class" but because different situations and ideologies require different sets of abilities. And under 3e, NO character can be great at everything.

Before you tell me about the Fighter/Bard/Barbarian/Sorcerer/Cleric/Wizard/ you get the idea, keep in mind that it is possible to take one level of every PHB class when multiclassing (unlikely, but possible). That's 11 levels. Compare that to an 11th level single-classed character, and suddenly you realize why the multiclass system is okay. Because you don't get all the great abilities at once.

I could go on, but if I haven't adequately explained my point by now, more words won't help.

--The Sigil

Does anyone remember playing a wizard and going into a "Doctor Evil" laughing fit when you finaly got enchant an item as a spell? I remember. Back then spell casters GAINED xps for making items, which even if it made some sense, was totally unballancing.
Now, the mage (or any spell caster) spends XPs to create items, which explains why every mage doesn't have an army of hirelings in +4 fullpatemail and equiped with +5 Vorpal Blades.

I find this an improvement over the past rule system (but it's only an opinion).

I really have to side with those who say that a totally inept character is no fun to play. I mean I like playing a flawed character but a useless character (like a dumb wizard or a witless cleric… come on!)
But I must admit that I prefer playing a careless thief (Wisdom of 6) or a clumsy fighter to a perfect Captain America character with an average stat mod of +3. I also hate it when the worst roleplayers end up with statistically perfect characters, which really doesn't help to improve upon their roleplaying abilities…

I play RPGs for escapism (without the morning after hang over) and to have a great laugh at least once or twice a week. I find that with 3e it's just as easy (or easier) than with 2e. I'll repeat again that the main gain of 3e over 2e is the simplified mecanics which eases game flow.

Also, I know that with 3e my players (and me when I play) are more prudent. I mean, orcs can be a challenge whatever your level now. Before, when I threw a 10th level Orc fighter in an adventures, the "rule players" woud have a fit. Now when we come across 6 orcs guarding a cave, we have to ponder the possibility that these could be something other then easily killed 1 HD monsters. I know, we fell for it in Murder in Freeport, man those orc pirates clubered us, "What a revoltin tuyn of events!"

I also like the xp system much better now it handles challenge level and multi classing much better (IMOO).

One of the things I don't like so much in 3e is the fact that there are no more barred class. I mean, a wizard halfling or dwarf? A half orc bard? I don't know… maybe for an exceptional hero. In our game it is allowed to players (with the understanding that the character is somewhat of an oddity). I played a Halfling Ranger for 3 levels before going splat on a failed climb check and even though I was the toughest member of the party, I couldn't get any respect. Wherever I went I would be the target of bullies and brutes although it was great fun to surprise those who underestimated the wee halfling (even if my average dice roll on a d20 is a 6….*?*##%*** )

Cthulhu mataya

3d Ed vs AD&D, the little flamefest that could.

Thank you Daniel,

you summed it up quite nicely "if you don't like the changes, don't play it"

I can't say I agree that gurps (although a great system) is the best roleplaying system (it get's cumbersome and adds lag time to the game).
I mean my players used to avoid fights because they took too much time, not because they were affraid their characters would die.

Come to think of it, this could be beneficial for roleplay... yeah. Make a system so complex and incomprehensible that people will try to resolve puzzles and conflicts by outwitting they oponents instead of charging with guns blazing without taking the time to ask: "could we resolve this otherwise?"

Kinda makes me think of a certain president... his dad used to run the secret police. But that is for another post right?

[[ I'm a ROLEPLAYER, but I praise good and realistic rules. ]]
--Nah, you praise rules you perceive to be realistic, or at least that you enjoy, and thus are willing to justify.
--The fact is, nobody sells a realistic game, because realism is seldom fun. "You get hit in the arm with an arrow. You instantly begin to pass out from shock." Wheee!
--DnD is a fantasy game. The notion of complaining about "realism" in a game featuring dragons, spells and general heroism is silly. If you were willing to justify the game, you could do so easily.
--As far as the old hit points argument, it's really a matter of realism, but of deciding to believe or not. You have decided you don't believe, which is fine, but it's really not a fact that DnD is any less accurate than GURPS, for example. If you look at hit points as "general survivability" then the game is fine. Just cause a dragon rolls well and reduces the character's hit points, that doesn't mean that the dragon has to hit the character full on the head. You could play hit points as a measure of luck, for example. In this case, the dragon didn't hit at all, but his attack was so powerful, and so close to the character's head, that he's permanently shaken, and out of sorts. Next attack comes around and he's too disoriented to protect himself. Dead...
--Not to mention that hit points are a deliberately simplified system for a heroic game. To fault a game for being what it sets out to be is silly.
--As I've stated earlier, which game you prefer is up to you, and there's no rules for what you should like. However, which system is GOOD, is not up for debate. DnD in 3e form is a well thought out system. Fun or not, it's well planned.

D&D (please read rules) is a crap. We've tried to play it thousands of times but we had never past the third session. I'm a ROLEPLAYER, but I praise good and realistic rules. I can't stand the fact that a PC can take a dragon's blow (reducing his HP to 1) and still fight as if nothing had happened. Then he kills the dragon but a short after (in an orc ambush) a stone drops into his foot and he dies (that wold not happen if the spellcasters haven't "forgotten" the damn healing spells).

D&D had its place in the RPG world. It brought us the wonderfull world of roleplaying. But things changes and evolves. Lots of new systems came up. Lots of them satisfied my roleplaying and realistic needs.

And I like new stuff and played lot's of systems and liked them all: GURPS - my favourite for statistics and is realistic (I know this can be discussed); Vampire - I loved the mood and the system too (the concept of sharing your dices for the number of action u want to take in a turn); The Window - this one really rocks. A neat and simple system and extremelly good for roleplaying) among others.

But I can say you: D&D was the worst of them and I can't stand it. I hope the 3e cames to be a good thing.

If u don't like the changes, don't play it. Simple enough.

P.S. Note that this is my point of view about rules. I hate D&D couse of their rules.

And yes: I don't know how to spell pla(y)ing. I think the 'y' doesn't goes out.

Listen Danny, try playing by Combat and tactics rules. They have Fatige from loss of HP and damage t your armor and such. The DMG is just a basis to start off on. TSR ironed out the problems in the Players Option series. 3E is a rip off.

Make up your mind Gamer!

You keep salivating over Hackmaster (AD&D 1st Ed) then you go on to praise players' options??? What gives?
Aren't you a hard core D&D "back in the good old days of Gygax" kinda of gamer?

Mind you I did like combat and tactics (but had some problems with the level of "munchkin surveilance" spells and magic required on the part of the DM.)

Oh and Gamer, how can 3E be a rip off of 2E? IT'S THE SAME GAME!!!!

By the way Daniel, you can still find lots of second hand Players' Options books. Combat and tactics is probably the book that is the most 3E compatible.

We've already incorporated some of it in our 3E campaign, there are still a few details to work out but so far so good.

Oh and for the realism buffs out there, try squad leader and advanced squad leader. Very realistic (but man does it last forever).

Cthulhu Matata

It has been 12 years since I last played AD&D/D&D2E. I stopped playing because, although 2nd Edition was less contradictory of itself and unclear (rule-wise) than AD&D, I found myself feeling as though I was manipulating a system of rules rather than playing a game. I can honestly say that with D&D3E this feeling has diminished to a great degree.
There are elements about trying to construct a pseudo-reality within the minds of players that seems to require a level of rules & tables bureaucracy. This element is not at all absent in D&D3E, however it seems more coherent from one level to the next. This, I expect is a result of the D20 system. Also there seems to be a real impact on game play for all ability scores. Example: Whereas before, unless you were a priest, a good wisdom score seemed pointless (especially when constitution or dexterity would likely save one in physical combat). Now (and, like I said it has been a long while since I have looked at a second edition book) wisdom matters because of the Will save and numerous important skills.
In closing, I must say I am looking forward to the Epic Level Adventures book and Deities and Demigods, as the new system seems to have great potential (I hope that the Chthulu Mythos, and the Nehwon Mythos return). I will also leave my 2 copper pieces worth of advice—fellas, it’s a game and is (presumably) meant to be enjoyed. To paraphrase a favorite writer of mine, attacking it as I’ve seen some do is tantamount to donning full plate and wagging war on an ice cream Sunday.

[[ I agree that a lot of players just ignore that sort of advice, I know I did when I first started playing, but like most players we develop into more thoughtful gamers, in part because of the sort of advice I was talking about. ]]
--So what we've learned here is that new players ignore that suggestion, and veterans already understand the merit of it. So basically the suggestion is totally useless. If anything we should be praising 3e for not trying to shove "RP is god" propaganda into our faces for no profitable reason, rather than pretending that a single sentence in a 256 page book makes or breaks the tone of the whole thing?

[[ I'm not trying to say that one style of game play is better than another, but 3E is kind of suggesting that there is a 'correct' style. ]]
--As I hinted above, I think you're saying the opposite, or at least, your quote from 2e is saying the opposite. In 2e there's urging to "be a good RPer," but in 3e, there's just rules.

Wooz, I take your point about the quote only referring to when all your stats are bad, but that is the only thing 3E seems to say about what to do with low stats. It could have said that if all your stats are too low - roll again, but if only one or two are too low why not see it as an opportunity to role-play? I just wanted to point out that 2E made a point of discussing what to do with low stats: instead of just dumping them, have a go at role-playing an interesting character. I agree that a lot of players just ignore that sort of advice, I know I did when I first started playing, but like most players we develop into more thoughtful gamers, in part because of the sort of advice I was talking about. I guess my point is that at least it was there.

I'm not trying to say that one style of game play is better than another, but 3E is kind of suggesting that there is a 'correct' style. With the tone of the books emphasizing getting your character all kited out with the right stats etc. it feels like they are saying #role#playing is for weenies. At least 2Es tone had something for both types of players - we could ignore the advice or agree with it. I just think 3E emphasizes a pretty shallow style of play, leaving a lot of players out in the cold.

I, at this moment, am looking through the "Advanced D & D Players Handbook" copyright 1978, printed in Jan 1980. On page 6, Gary Gygax writes, "Similary, even the most important material herein can be altered and bent to suit the needs of individual campaigns. Where possible, true guidelines have been laid down to provide the barest of frameworks... most unusual and unique. Read the work... through and assess for yourself what AD&D is."

I really have no opinion on 2e or 3e, cause I still am playing around with the book mentioned below. I don't like WOTC because the killed the multiplayer version of Magic: Duel of the Plainswalkers

I, never have played any version of the game, have rolled my stats and have everything down in that book except how to calculate my psionic ability. I rolled a 96% to get my ability, and a 98% for the next percentage roll. My natural rolls are: Int 18, Wis 18, and Cha 17. My question is where do the bonuses come from (1-72) and what #('s) do I quadruple to determine my psionic str points. I have everything else about my character worked out. I got here from a search for psionics DND and I've explored the web for about 2 hrs now, and ALL I can find is that the ability was changed into a class in 2e or 3e. To me, that is just not fair to tease with special powers and say, "No, you can't do that cause your not that class." My DM said he didn't want to include it cause of the formula, but I'd like to take advantage of it, cause I rolled so good. :o) I really would appriciate some help.

Sorry Sam,
I do Love Hackmaster and 2nd edition. Thats probably because it basicly the same game. Hackmaster uses the exact same rules. They only added stuff like armor damage and range heal spells and such. 3e did none of that. Hackmaster is what 3E would have been if TSR was around.

I was going by the 1e rules in the book I mentioned above.

"Hackmaster is what 3E would have been if TSR was around."

Heavens, am I sick of hearing this line over and over and over. Hackmaster is NOT what 3E would have been if TSR was around. Look at the direction TSR was going... fragmenting the market with ever-crappier (and more munchkinesque) supplements... things like Skills and Powers, Players Options, Complete Book of Blah, and 80 bazillion campaign settings, all of which were pure, unadulterated crap and/or reprints of earlier products.

TSR is singlehandedly responsible for driving 2e into the ground. Not WotC. The fact of the matter is there can be no "if TSR was around" because if WotC hadn't acquired TSR, there would be NO TSR. NO D&D (of any stripe). No Hackmaster (because TSR wouldn't have existed to license it).

I hate to sound so chippy, but for crying out loud, people, LOOK AT THE FACTS! WOTC DID NOT DESTROY AD&D! TSR DID! When will you mindless little "WotC is the devil" drones get that through your skulls!

I don't get mad at people who want to discuss the merits of game mechanics but I do get upset at dunderheaded fools who refuse to recognize cold hard facts. Arguing over which game system is "right" is a matter of opinion, but here are some cold, hard facts that you twits seem not to have latched on to (or perhaps you are simply in a state of denial):

FACT: TSR was bankrupt and going under when WotC bought them.

FACT: If WotC does not buy TSR, TSR folds. No 3e. No 2e. No licensed Hackmaster. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Bye-bye.

FACT: WotC *IS* making older, out-of-print TSR material available... go to and search for ESD - if anything, WotC is PROLONGING the availability of old rulebooks and making them more permanent by putting them into PDFs (which don't fall apart after many years of loving use - my 2e PHB and DMG resemble a dog's chew toys).

If you wish to say, "Hackmaster is how I think 3e should have been done," I have no problem with that being your opinion (I'll disagree, but that's not the point). But I have a problem with people trying to write revisionist history.

And look at the way TSR was going with the Skills & Powers and Alternity... looks an AWFUL lot like proto-3e... no more proficiencies - instead we have skills (hmm...). Instead of set racial abilities, pich and choose the ones you want (remind anyone of Feats?). Heck, look at the old D&D Boxed Sets with their ability score bonuses starting with a score of 13. Look at the Gazeteers for D&D, especially Orcs of Thar (humanoids with levels), and suddenly you see a LOT of 3e lying around even in mid-to-late 80's (!) TSR publications (though more obviously so in late 90's stuff).

Hackmaster may be the way 2e ought to have gone, but there is PLENTY of evidence from the TSR days to suggest that 3e is, in fact, what D&D would have become "if TSR was around."

End of rant.

--The Sigil


If you want to go by the rules, from 3e, you'll have to take at least a level of a psionic class.

Why do you feel that you should be able to use these special powers without being at least partly that class?

There's loads of magic floating about, but to use it you need to have some training as a wizard or sorceror. If you want to focus your characters mind so you can be psionic, you need to train to do it. That will be at the expense of say a level of fighter, but will instead give you first level psionic warrior. This training is handled in the form of gaining XP and rising a level. It's up to your DM whether he lets you say you've been working on mind focus to gain the powers.

I am not too sure how 2e handles psionics as I never used them in my campaign when I used that system, so I'll have to leave discussion of that to others.


Thank you Sigil.
While I have always liked TSR, the truth is TSR ruined itself through insanely crappy management. I also feel that you are right on the money about TSR heading in the direction of 3E before being bought out. They were already working on it and toying around with it before the buyout. I'm sure WOTC put their hand in the mix and influenced some decisions, but TSR was already heading that way.

[[ When will you mindless little "WotC is the devil" drones get that through your skulls! ]]
--Answer: Never.

--Einstein: "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm
not sure about the former."

So great minds do think alike... thank Albert for me will you Jack.

The more this argument goes on the more I laugh at how easy it is to send a bunch of people bickering on the least important things.

I mean by the looks of the texts some of us have posted, this should have turned into a free for all brawl months ago (had it been a discussion held face to face in real space).

Thanks guys you've given me a great idea for the next time my characters go into an inn...

This should be a riot.

"Bwa ha ha ha ha ha"

PS Yes I am an idiot and I know.

Cthulhu Matata

Okay, Sigil
1) Not all the books that came out were crap! I like the remake modules (Which Wizards is also doing like return to temple of elemental evil). Just because YOU had no use for them, dosn't mean everyone else hated them. There were plenty of other book I would have wanted to see. Complete book of Minotares, Irdas, a book only on construction and such. Some of the later books like Drizzts guide to the underdark, guide to hell and such rocked.
2) Wizards DID bankrupt TSR with that shitty magic the gathering game. The populatity of this CCG totaly fucked up RPG's. TSR Tried to compete with SpellFire and The crappy SAGA system, but realisticly, what could they do. Magic was huge and it wasn't going anywhere. But they knew that CCG's would lose popularity some day, so what did they up TSR, the compay they distroyed. Then "They'll buy new books if we make a new system". SO 3E came out. Then the whole "FUCK the old schoolers! We aim it at our card thumpper population. you kow get rid of anything remotly cool and put in attacks like in video games like POWER CLEAVE AND SNEEK ATTACK!"

Wizards totaly rapped TSR. I woulnd have minded if the made a difrent RPG Like Magic the RPG. But when you totally fuck up a game that had to many fans. It worked we'll for so many year. Maybe some of you ddin't want lots of choices for some rule and wanted one standered, But I like veriety. Maybe you cont like the complete series, but I felt they added VERY much to my campain. But to say I ignorent because I say WIZARD rapped TSR.......think again pal.

Two selected quotes in response to "The Gamer" (all quotes by me unless otherwise noted). I think they speak for themselves with no other explanation needed.

"I thought 2e had been destroyed long ago by fragmenting the fan base into Greyhawk, Al-Qadim, Ravenloft, Planescape, Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms, Mystara, and so forth... destroying its financial viability because no book could sell enough to recoup its production costs." --The Sigil

"To those of you who blame wizards for the ruinifacation of TSR fail to realize that TSR had been in slow decline for some time and the intoduction of Magic was just a catalyst for accelerating was was already happening. TSR as a business had faild to fully capture a way for the gaming world to challenge mind and stratigy to as high of a level as gamers wanted to be challenged, yet kept in a fantasy setting." --Soulsinger

It's a simple line of reasoning, really - gamers have a limited amount of money. Magic or no Magic, there is only so much people will spend on hobbies.

Production of a book takes a substantial amount of money - there is of course the printing cost, but there is a substantial "one-time" fee for the writer to write, the printer to set the printing up, the artists to contribute artwork, and so forth. Assume for sake of argument that this initial outlay is $10,000 for a single 128-page book (not really that unreasonable and possibly too little). It then costs about $10 to print that book (colored, glossy covers and so forth - 10 is a nice round number to work with). You turn around and sell it for $20 (I'll cut out the fact that they use distributors and that the book/hobby store needs to get a little cut because it makes a nice round number, and $20 is about the going rate for such a book c. 1998).

This means you make $10 profit, compared to the printing cost, per sale. It also means that you have to sell 1000 of these babies just to break even with that "one-time" outlay. This is admittedly over-simplified, but you get the idea.

Let us assume that the gaming community has the money and desire and will buy 20,000 books every year (but no more than 5000 of any one book since the 20,000 probably represents the same person buying multiple books in many cases).

What happens when you release 1 book? You sell 5000 copies (if it's good). Your cost to produce is $10,000 (the initial outlay) plus $50,000 (the actual printing cost of 5000 books at $10 each). Your income is $100,000 (5000 books at $20 each). That means you pocket $40,000. Not a bad set-up.

Next year, you figure, "if one book got me $40,000 then 25 books should get me $1 million! Cool!" You have the printer fire up the presses and create 25 books (you hire outside writers so you don't do this all yourself). Assume all your books are equally good - that means each book will sell 20,000 divided by 25 or 800 copies.

So you pay $10,000 per book in setup fees and $10 times 800 ($8,000) for a total cost of $18,000. You rake in $20 times 800 or $16,000. Dang! We just lost $2,000 per book or with 25 books that's $50,000! What happened?

The answer is that you just did what TSR did - you split your audience into too many pieces and stretched yourself too thin. WotC releases new books at the rate of about 2 per month. If you take all of TSR's product lines over the last five years of its existence, TSR produced 6-7 per month.

It's simple math - TSR put too much out there - people couldn't buy it all (or didn't want to - "why should I buy a Planescape product if I play in Maztica?") and so TSR split their market too much.

I could go on, but the point has been made. Magic had little to do with TSR.

That's why I disagree with "WIZARD rapped[sic] TSR". TSR had already destroyed itself before Magic even showed up on the scene. Magic just made it more obvious. And don't tell me that all the avid D&Ders took up Magic and never played D&D again.

As to POWER CLEAVE and SNEEK [sic] ATTACK, might I point out that this is just a new way of talking about someone specializing in the DISARMING MANEUVER and referencing A THIEF'S BACKSTAB ABILITY!

So they took all of the musty, arbitrary tables out of the game that 1e and 2e used (which, as I have mentioned, were ripped from NAVAL MINIATURES RULES in the first instance and are certainly NOT original ideas to D&D) and replaced them with a d20 versus a number mechanic. Who cares?

Your AD&D campaign is in many ways independent of the system you use - it's the culture and story and roleplaying that count (right?). The numeric system you use to define these is like a grid - I can describe a shape using Cartesian Coordinates, Spherical Coordinates, or Cylindrical Coordinates, but it's still the same shape. Some sets of coordinates are easier to understand than others. Think of 3e as the easier coordinate system to understand.

Done again for now.

--The Sigil

I do see your point, but your saying that the rise of the CCG industry had absoluty NO influence on TSR's bankruptsy. I think TSR should have just paced themselves. If you didn't notice Wizards is doing the same thing. In one year I've seen what 17 books come out and scores of non wizards for 3E. So your your rationing, Do you see Wizrads 3E going the same way as TSR? I mean all this D20 system stuff coming out, who has enough money to buy most of it?

Answer - Nobody.

Right now I think there are approximately 200 d20 publishers. My guess is that in 5 years, we will see closer to a dozen.

Some will get swallowed into others (e.g., Sword and Sorcery Studios (closely tied to White Wolf) has already swallowed Necromancer Games, Fiery Dragon Productions, and Malhavoc Press). Some will buckle and go under. The difference is that WotC is putting out 17 books a year instead of 70. And they try to make sure their books are of the highest quality, meaning that as the market fragments, the "other guys" will go under (some d20 publishers already have). It will take some time to happen, but I'm confident it will.

--The Sigil

[[ Do you see Wizrads 3E going the same way as TSR? I mean all this D20 system stuff coming out, who has enough money to buy most of it? ]]
--The Sigil's point on oversaturating the market is a good one. I'm not sure that splitting into genres is really the issue though. I think he's probably right that TSR outstripped their demand, but they didn't necessarily do it by having too many product lines, just too many titles. As was explained, you have to sell a certain number of copies of each book to cover the one time production costs and begin making a profit. This logic doesn't really care if you're selling one product line or ten. All that matters is selling enough of each product.
--So, then the question is whether WotC is going down the same route. I tend to think that they're not, though I think the question is a good one. I do think they're hitting the market hard, but I also think that their OGL plan is mitigating this.

--For one, I have to assume that the d20 system cuts costs. It's not just easy to play and DM, it's also easy to write game content for. I'd wager that the d20 system saves WotC authors huge amounts of time in their development cycle.

--I also have to assume that WotC's connections with Hasbro cut a ton of costs too. Hasbro is huge, and probably has all sorts of relationships with print houses, distributors, stores, etc. As a result, getting books printed and on shelves is cheaper and faster than it was for TSR.

--Finally, I think that WotC is capitalizing on the initial interest in d20, as well as trying to get all the "critical" material out there as quickly as possible. I think they're trying to be sure they have a d20 version of all the classic books so that 2e fans can't say "hey, where's the Manual of the Planes?" I think a lot of these books are intended to sell for a long time. TSR used to release a supplement or module, sell out their stock, and it was done. I think that WotC hopes to have a copy of the PH, DMB, MotP, Oriental Adventures, etc. on the shelf at all times. They'll still have transient modules and supplements, but I think they're looking for a bigger "core" book set that will be reprinted and sold indefinitely. By selling over the long term, they can easily cover the initial cost.

"I would argue that if these folks who think they like 1e/2e better would approach 3e with a TRULY open mind, give it a fair chance to show what it can do, they'd be converts."

I tried to like MUNCHKINS & MONSTERS, Jack, I truly did.

I, like most players I know, eagerly awaited the release of 3e. I intently followed along with the playtester's sessions on the WotC website. I pestered, to the point of being annoying (unbelievable, I know), my local games store for when the new edition would hit the shelves. I even tried using the rules - '10 Ways to Play 3rd Edition D&D Today' - posted on the WotC (or were they still using the TSR title then?) website which allowed you to play a 3e-ish game (converting THAC0 to an Attack Bonus, AC went up not down, class/level restrictions were abolished etc). Hey, I was skeptical, but I gave it a whirl. And when Monty Haul's three volume Bible was finally released, I played for a while in a new 3e campaign.

Honestly, I really, REALLY wanted to like it, life would be a lot easier if I did. But try as I might, I just couldn't. It sucks a dead dingo's donga.

Quite frankly, the problem is the tone. Flash, you were spot on. As I've said in a post above somewhere, I can understand many of the rule changes on an individual level, even if I disagree with many of them, but the tone of D&D has been completely mutilated by Wankers of the Coast. As Flash said, the system just feels shallow (and I would add a little childish - insofar as the tone goes). For no apparent reason WotC gave EVERYTHING in the game more steroids than the Chinese female Olympic swim team. What in the bloody buggery for? Streamline the rules, sure, fine, whatever. But why turn the whole bloody thing into a computer game on paper? Why make it feel as though you've stumbled upon a giant, three volume MtG picture-book? I would argue that these folks who think that they like 3e better will eventually get bored with this rather dull, not partiularly innovative or clever system. At least AD&D has some character.

As for your complaint, Jack, about 'pretentious' and 'elitists' gamers who are 'SO into roleplaying' - hmmmm, fancy thinking that roleplaying might, in some way, be a part of a ROLE-playing game. Well, paint me pink and call me Mary, whatever will they think of next?! Oh, and Jack, this convict doesn't think that everyone not directly involved with his gaming group is a complete jerk - just you ... all sarcasm aside ...

Tas ;)

PS - It's nice to see that Sigil is now blaming poor management for the collapse of TSR (which was my point somewhere above) and not because AD&D was particularly unpopular.

Hey I tried the game too. I bought the 3E Players handbook like everyone else. I read a lot of it and I couldn't get into it eather. The monsters wer all drawn like the magic cards which I didn't like ( I think it was so they could try to get me to get new minuters also.). But I did try it out. It had some good stuff, like new powers for familiars and lowering magic resistance for higher level casters. But 90% of the other changes that took place I hated. Now My system was dead And All I had was this system. I've calmed down a bit since the relese of hackmaster. But I retured that 3E PH 3 days after I bought it. The stuff made for 2E the wizards put out was kind of cool too. Die Vecna Die was one of the coolest games I ever ran. The problem with it was at the very end there was a paragraph saying that the outer planes merged and mage worked diffrently (aka wizards put this to explane the conversion to 3E). I think TSR made this game already and they just put that at the end. Man, I hate that company, I really, really do. You guys are cool for taking the time to write and all. Although I bitch about this stuff, don't take it personaly, I just like to vent.

[[ I tried to like MUNCHKINS & MONSTERS, Jack, I truly did. ]]
--He's back! Now with even more Australia-related fruity filling, and even less real content! Dingo dingo! Wallaby! Blimey! From Perth to Sydney, I've never seen somebody so repetitive and less able to form a coherant argument.

[[ Quite frankly, the problem is the tone. ]]
--Quite frankly the problem is you. You claim to be a wonderful roleplayer, and yet you're not good enough to take what you need from 3e to enjoy yourself. You can't practice your vast roleplaying skillset without a gaming system that's totally disorganized and fragmented. Nice commentary on your talents. I can roleplay just fine in 3e, and it's not even that important to me. I'd hate to think that I was just better at it than you.
--I'm done paying attention to your antics. You're clearly biased in favor of non-3e games, as you run a website based on "Classic Dnd," which only slightly steals the layout from its arch enemy WotC. All you seem to care about is reminding us that you're from Australia, and that you think repeating the same baseless jibberish makes it gospel. I don't care where you're from, and I don't care what you think.
--I hope for your sake that Australians have more tolerance for your girlish chittering than I do.

Whats up with you Jack? So the guys from Austrlia...Big Deal! You done have to go postal because he mentions it a few times ( I think all those aussy guys are like that because I have a friend who is from there and to this day still says Bugger off and calls people "Mate" even though he left when he was 7). As for non-role playing becasue he dosn't play 2e, gimmi a break man. There was role playing long before 3E came around. To switch from something your confortable to a new system that (for whatever reason) you don't like dosn't mean that your a bad role player. On another note, I've incorperated some 3E stuff into my 2E game. I tried to convert the "Lowering MR" high level wizard aspect, but I couldn't get it to work good. And The fimailars part kick ass compaired to the sucko 2E familars.
Also I like how you can figure the str. score on all the monsters with that chart.

[[ So the guys from Austrlia...Big Deal! ]]
--And I'm from the US. How many times have I mentioned it thus far? How many conspicuously "American" terms of speech have I used? In short, how much of my time on this particlar thread have I devoted to "being American?"
--The point is that the guy says nothing of substance, he just repeats his ridiculous, baseless "opinions" over and over, and litters this wasteland of broken logic with colorful (read that: faggy) Australian references.
--I have no problem with Australians. I'd think no better or worse of him if he spent all his time pointing out that he was Dutch, or Russian, or American. It's his fixation I take issue with, not the topic of the fixation. To be honest, I have to thank Australia for existing. It's doing the entire world a service by not deporting this Tas retard and unleashing his brand of repetitive, effeminate tripe on the rest of the world. Now if only they'd find a way to silence him completely...

[[ There was role playing long before 3E came around. To switch from something your confortable to a new system that (for whatever reason) you don't like dosn't mean that your a bad role player. ]]
--Look, I don't know what you're saying, cause I'm fairly sure it's not english, but I know this: The system can't force you to do anything. It can't change how much you roleplay, or prevent you from imagining a colorful character and bringing said character to life. No matter how many times you, or Johnny Australia says it, it's still a falsehood. It's especially false, when you're claiming to be a super-excellent roleplayer, like Tas is.
--Even if it wasn't patently false already, the fact is 3e provides the player MORE material to form the basis for good roleplaying. Sure it adds powers. Sure the 1st level 3e character has more going for him than the 1st level 1e/2e player. But you know what? My group used to start all our 2e characters at 3rd level, just so they'd have some degree of differentiation before play began.
--The bottom line here is that Tas thinks that playing a hacky, poorly designed system is MORE fun than playing a smoothly operating and well thought out system. I'm all for allowing people their opinions, but I attach a caveat to that. If you expect me to respect your opinion, I expect you to have a decent reason for having it.
--Don't like sports cars? Ok, why? Cause you just drive to get from place to place, and speed and power don't impress you? FINE. Your opinion, your justification. I happen to like sports cars, but I can't tell you to do the same.
--Don't like chocolate? Ok, why? Cause you've never seen a sailboat that could chinese teapot? Huh? That makes no sense. It's idiotic. The justifications don't match the conclusions.

--It's really very simple. The gaming system is a vehicle. Its sole purpose is to provide a layer of abstraction which allows the players and DM to consistently and conveniently simulate a gameworld, while still allowing a full spectrum of balanced powers and abilities. The gaming system should give the DM and players all the tools and options they need to realize their gaming vision, while at the same time staying out of their way and letting them enjoy that vision.
--3e does this FAR better than 1e/2e.
--You can disagree, but you'd be wrong.

--BTW, I realize that Tas might be a girl. I know I'm assuming it's a male person, and I have no real basis for that assumption, but at the same time, I don't care.
--I happen to be male, and my default is to assume other people are as well. If I care enough about the person to be accurate, I will, but obviously my concern in this instance is the very definition of minimal.

CCG's didn't drive TSR out of business. They did speed up the process, but probably by only a couple years. Three at the most. As far as Hasbro bolstering WOTC, I don't think so. From what I've heard, Hasbro doesn't really care about the RPG's. In fact, they barely make enough money to warrant a separate line item on the audit sheets. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that Hasbro decides to sell off WOTC and all of their properties sometime in the next five years. Sooner if the religo-nazis realize that Hasbro now owns the Great Satan D&D.

Gee, what a shit-storm. I'm sorry that my Australian-isms seem to bother you so much, Jack, but the truth is I'm not consciously using them. The Gamer is right - lots of Australians talk using informal slang terms and phrases. If I called a sidewalk a 'footpath' or a car's trunk a 'boot' would you regard that as trying to remind you that I'm from Australia? That's what they're universally called here. You spelt 'colorful' without an 'u' whereas the rest of the English speaking world spells it 'colourful' - should we regard that as your fixation with telling us you're from the US? (and BTW I'm not the one who used 'ya'll' in a sentence elsewhere - ooh, is that an Americanism?) No, I wouldn't use 'bugger' or 'a dead dingo's donga' in a business letter, or writing a job application, but otherwise that's how I speak - and since this post is not a formal occasion, I write how I speak.

Jack, mate, cobber, ol'pal, you can go bugger off.

'I don't care where you're from, and I don't care what you think.'

Wow, what a logical, well thought out argument. How can we compete with that?

'My group used to start all our 2e characters at 3rd level, just so they'd have some degree of differentiation before play began.'

Once again, you prove that you, at the very least, regard the *squeaks* and *honks* as pretty much the only real difference between PCs. If that's what rocks your tiny little world, go for it. Clearly 3e is for you. But that's bullshit. You don't need to be some poofy, pretentious roleplayer to create, for example, differences between two 1st level elven fighters. If one is a wild barbarian-type, and the other is a high elvish-type from a sophisticated city, there's the real difference: how their personality types react to a given situations in a game - not their min/maxed stats. It's not called a roleplaying game for nothing.

So, Jack, if you're this brilliant gamer you seem to think you are, how about some evidence other than puerile, little girl hair-pulling, personal attacks (or at least come up with something more original than saying that Australians are descended from thieves).


[[ You don't need to be some poofy, pretentious roleplayer to create, for example, differences between two 1st level elven fighters. If one is a wild barbarian-type, and the other is a high elvish-type from a sophisticated city, there's the real difference: how their personality types react to a given situations in a game - not their min/maxed stats. ]]
--I'll make this real simple, and I'll make this my last post on the topic. Tas, if you read through this post carefully, and with an open mind, and still don't agree with me, then clearly we're coming from experiences so different that it's never gonna line up.

--Let's use the above quote as the basis for the discussion.

--First I'd like to point out that 3e facilitates the creation of a character with personality both in roleplaying AND rollplaying better than 1e or 2e ever did. Using 2e, we have basically three ways to differentiate the two characters above, within the context of the rules. Their attributes, their weapon choices and their non-weapon proficiencies. In 3e we have attributes, weapons choices, skills and feats.
--Obviously attributes cancel out, but bear in mind that the system in 3e is much smoother and consistent.
--Weapon choices also cancel out.
--Non-weapon proficiences and skills are roughly analogous, however skills are more varied, more flexible and an easier ruleset to use in game. The skills system in 3e offers the player the opportunity to define his character's personality via the skills and tactics he makes use of. The barbarian type would have outdoorsy skills, intimidate skills, and rustic craft skills. The citydweller would have bartering skills, courtly skills, and bluffing skills. The character's personality becomes more visible in the numbers thanks to the new rules. Also, which player is more likely to be willing to roleplay his intimidation of a city guard; the one with intimidate listed on his sheet, or the one without? If nothing else, skills can serve as a reminder of the things that make your character who he or she is.
--Lastly we have feats. I'm sure you think these are the worst thing ever, because they empower the character, and for some reason a competent character can't POSSIBLY be roleplayed. For my part, I look at feats as yet another chance to personalize. Our barbarian elf takes a weapon focus in battleaxe, and power attack with that weapon, to reflect his aggressive personality. The courtly elf takes weapon focus in rapier and weapon finesse, so he can use his dexterity to aid in melee. Giving the players an opportunity to flesh out their combat styles and abilities is YET another chance for them to define their characters. AGAIN, which player is more likely to vividly describe the maneuvers his character carries out in combat; the one with specific feats, or the one without? When you're hitting because you took weapon finesse, you're far more likely to congratulate your elven warrior for his "brutally slashing axe," or "sparklingly fast rapier."
--In short, 3e makes it far easier and rewarding to customize the character so the ROLLplaying fits with the ROLEplaying. That's a good thing, NOT a bad thing.

--Last, I'd like to mention how much of an aid in roleplaying it is to have good, consistent and easy rules. You have admitted that 2e was not as smooth, but you somehow consider this a merit. In my book, that's 180 degrees away from reality.
--Let's say you're going along, when a player decides that his courtly elven fighter is going to try to talk the orcish guard into letting him pass. The player launches into a winding tale about a missing nephew, an orcish village, and all manner of trickery. All present enjoy the diologue and await the DM's ruling. Sadly, his face is buried in his notes and the 2e DMG, as he futilely searches for some sort of rule to handle this relatively common occurrance. "Uhh, hold on a sec" he says, and the roleplaying screeches to a halt.
--Now page forward to 3e. Our elf's player delivers his monologue and the DM responds immediately. "Great roleplaying," he says "you get a +2 circumstance bonus. Now roll your bluff vs. the orc's sense motive." The roll is made, and the elf wins. The DM roleplays the dumbfounded orc's reaction, and the game moves on. In 3e there's simple, consistent and universal rules, that the DM will know immediately what to do with. He can roll and make rulings with the confidence that the rules have the tools he needs to keep the game flowing.
--Notice ALSO, that the rules will DEMAND good roleplaying of the characters. When the elf barbarian, who has spent his skills in things OTHER than bluff attempts to talk his way past the guard (an action that is out of character), he is unlikely to succeed, as his skill is poor. In short, the rules FACILITATE roleplaying, quite the opposite of your proposition that they hinder, or eliminate it.

--And that's really it.

--This post contains, essentially, two opinions regarding the merits of 3e. It then backs these opinions up with extensive evidence. This is the only useful way to discuss a topic.
--Tas, it's my opinion that thus far you have done nothing but trade insults with me and make vague and unsupported assertions. You'll notice I have removed all my useless insults from this post and have tried to stick to factual arguments. If you'd care to respond in kind, I'd be happy to consider your points as well. However, if you continue to rehash the same material about "*squeaks* and *honks*" and "MUNCKINS and MONSTERS" I will be forced to disregard you. None of that stuff means anything to me. To my mind, it's nothing more than buzzwords you've fixated upon, and you repeat them over and over, each time saying nothing more than "3e isn't good, cause I said so." I'm not trying to insult here, I'm just trying to tell you what I see.
--Perhaps as you read this thread, things appear as the mirror to you as they do to me. Perhaps you see yourself as providing the substantiated arguments and me as the one repeating the same useless garbage. If that's the case, so be it. As I said previously, perhaps we simply cannot come to an understanding. However, I like to think that my points outlined above are simple enough and factual enough that they are clear to any intelligent reader. I hope that you can put our past diologue behind you and read this post with the intent to understand.

--I like to flame as much (or more) than the next guy. However when the day is done, I know that it's all wasted time. On the other hand, if I can get somebody to take a second look at 3e, get that person to give it another try, and maybe find the same value that I do, then maybe I can help somebody improve their enjoyment of the hobby which I too enjoy.
--The fact is, I don't post here because I like to hear myself talk, or because I really need to prove myself to strangers. I'm posting because I see a lot of people in this thread missing out on a system that I consider to be a real innovation in gaming.
--If you don't care, that's fine.

Let's say you're going along, when a player decides that his courtly elven fighter is going to try to talk the orcish guard into letting him pass. The player launches into a winding tale about a missing nephew, an orcish village, and all manner of trickery. All present enjoy the dialogue and await the DM's ruling. "Great roleplaying," he says "you get a +2 bonus to your Charisma roll. The orc has a pretty low intelligence as well, so that's a further +2 bonus. Now make a Charisma check." The roll is made, and the elf wins. The DM roleplays the dumbfounded orc's reaction, and the game moves on.

Now, really, that doesn't produce a different result than your 3e example, and it's pretty much just as streamlined. It has, IMO, the values of adding the dice roll to reflect a PCs on-paper stats (as in 3e), it's just as simple, and it's arguably a little more flexible. But, if you believe that skills such as Bluff are necessary to add to the roleplaying experience, then you could have added such a proficiency and still be quite within the 'official' 2e rules: "The proficiency lists in the Player's Handbook are extensive, but not comprehensive ... DMs and players will certainly think of proficiencies they'd like to add" etc. (2e DMG p31)

But my point about PC differentiation is that such skills and other similar 3e elements can very easily detract from roleplaying. Using our example above, lets imagine the player is trying to run the courtly elven fighter, let's call him Ulfalas, according to the personality he wrote down on the back of the PC sheet. The player might decide that Ulfalas would think that even bothering to talk to the lowly orc would be beneath him. That might produce a completely different, and just as interesting, game outcome - all based on the Ulfalas' unique 1st level fighter's personality and not on his on-paper collection of skills. A 3e player might be tempted to just always rely on their good Bluff skill, rather than attempt to play the PC as written.

I'm sorry to repeat this, but the tone is a problem. I've thought about it a lot, and although there are other aspects I don't like (inluding the basic fact that 3e is SO different it renders all previous rulebooks obsolete), it all boils down to that. We can argue about it until the cows come home, but the increase in power strips away that final tiny fragment of realism that is needed, even in a fantasy game, so we aren't jarred out of our suspended disbelief. I've said above that almost any system, if you fiddle long enough, can allow power gaming, and the tone of our own campaigns, set by each gaming group, can range from in-depth roleplaying to pure hack'n'slashing. But the increase in the power makes the system feel cartoon-like. I'm sorry if that's an opinion, but that's the way I feel.

But, really, we have reached an impasse. I like 2e because it has an indefinable 'character'. It's those terrible 'cludgy' AD&D mechanics (which you and Sigil and other fellow 3e players seem to so dislike) that make it 'feel' different to every other system. Do the mechanics detract from the flow of play? I don't think so, you think otherwise. What else can we say? Quite frankly, I really can't see anything innovative about the 'roll a dice, add a modifier' 3e mechanics. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of slick, integrated systems (for example, the STAR WARS d6 system - a cinematic RPG that suited the STAR WARS genre perfectly), but 3e seems pretty pedestrian to me. I've never denied that 3e is more streamlined, but I just don't think it is innovative - except for the blanket-bombing marketing by WotC.

BTW, as a side issue, WotC is doing exactly what Sigil said that TSR did, that is, spreading its product line way too thin. WotC may not be bearing the cost of production for many of the licensed products, but as has been pointed out above, gamers only have so much money. If they are buying Blah Blah Games products, they're not buying as many from WotC. As for Jack's comment about WotC focusing on core products, that may be correct to a point (although, I suspect they'll churn them out soon enough), but players only buy core products once.

As for the MUNCHKINS & MONSTERS etc. remarks, what can I say? As with many of your own comments, Jack, such comments are designed for the express purpose of pissing the other bloke off. I make no apologies for that. Seriously though, if we start to deconstruct our insults and button-pushing smart-arse remarks, it kind of takes the fun out of flaming, don't you think?


I have to say I find it funny that I am seen as now "seeing the light" that incompetent management destroyed TSR. Um, I first brought that up November 8, 2000 (over a year ago) on this very thread (look it up). This isn't new.

As for D&D never being "unpopular," I don't have a lot of hard, statistical evidence to support an argument one way or the other - what I do have is anecdotal evidence - in my experience, D&D was pretty much the only thing people played in the 80's (because it was pretty much all that was out there). In the 90's a lot of other systems started to gain in popularity - people knew and could play D&D, but preferred to play Vampire, Rifts, Traveller, or what have you. So while the population of people who knew how to play D&D stayed about the same, the population of people who regularly played it went down - because they were playing other games that suited their tastes better, either in atmosphere or in rules.

I believe TSR saw this and tried to "tinker" with D&D to make it more palatable to other folks... Spelljammer looks somewhat like an attempt to appeal to the Sci-Fi/Traveller crowd. Planescape, with its constant jarring jargon, reminds very much of Shadowrun and Cyberpunk, where the style and lingo are so over-emphasized as to blunt the mechanics. Ravenloft was an obvious attempt to bring in the Vampire players. Skills & Powers tried to bring in "points-system" players like GURPS players who wanted more flexibility. Again, I have no hard and fast statistical evidence to this, but this was what I thought about when I saw these various lines coming out - so I *do* think D&D suffered a popularity swoon (otherwise why try to imitate all the other RPGs out there?).

What I do know as a hard statistical fact is that WotC execs have mentioned that sales of 3e are VASTLY exceeding projections (to the tune of 150% of projections). I infer from this that D&D's popularity is on the rise again, since more people are buying the books than WotC thought would have.

These are my own assumptions and observations and, ultimately, opinions (except for the 150% sales vs. projections figure). Your mileage may vary.

Finally, sticking my head into the flamewar for just a moment, I would like to re-emphasize the point made by Jack.

"In short, 3e makes it far easier and rewarding to customize the character so the ROLLplaying fits with the ROLEplaying. That's a good thing, NOT a bad thing."

This is precisely what I have been trying to argue for some time, just said much more clearly and concisely. Basically, it comes to this: if I look at your 2e character sheet and you tell me your character is "no-talk all-action axe-slashing barbarian guy" I can copy that character sheet, move it to another campaign, and make exact same character into "smooth-talking lady-killing rapier-wielding swashbuckler-guy." The rules don't favor the character being one or the other - it's entirely in the hands of my roleplaying but there are no game mechanics to back up my claims.

If I take a 3e character sheet of a character with Axe Specialization, Great Cleave, and Toughness, my character's statistics actually reflect "no-talk all-action axe-slashing barbarian guy." The character literally is more effective with an axe than a rapier.

Similarly, a character with the Weapon Specialization: Rapier, Dodge, and Weapon Expertise feats will be considerably more effective with a rapier than with an axe.

Again, as stated, the character's roll-playing actually follows/reflects the role-playing. This makes the system more believable and ultimately, rewards role-playing to some degree because your character actually winds up interacting with his world (through his abilities and statistics) in a way that reflects the roleplaying personality you have defined for him. It's more than *squeaks* and *whistles*, it's the system being built to allow role-playing to be easily reflected in the roll-playing.

Is the system more streamlined? Absolutely.

Is it less complex? Yes.

Is the learning curve lower? Yes.

Does this make it easier for "newbies" to learn? Yes.

Is making the system easier (and hence more available to "newbies") a good thing? That's a matter of opinion. Some gamers want a steep learning curve so they can feel kind of elitist. Some want a steep learning curve so they can feel some satisfaction in mastering it. Some gamers want a low learning curve so they can easily teach others and bring others to the game. Some gamers want a low learning curve because they're lazy and/or just want to play without being bothered by a lot of rules. There is no "right answer" here.

Does the system being easier show that it caters to "newbies"? Not necessarily. The logical fallacy many have fallen into here is assumption of truth of a converse.

Assume, for a moment, that this statement is true (and it seems to be a logical statement to make): If a system caters to "newbies" it must be easy.

The converse of the statement, "If a system is easy it must cater to 'newbies'" is NOT necessarily true. Some on this thread have made that fallacious jump.

It is as ridiculous as claiming that the statement "If a person is an Australian, s/he must be a human" also leads to the conclusion "If a person is a human, s/he must be an Australian." It is a common logical fallacy best illustrated by something like the above, which is obviously not true because I can quite easily show a counter-example (Exhibit A: an American, who is human but not Australian).

Did WotC cater to newbies when they made 3e? I'm not in WotC, so I can't answer that definitively - I wasn't part of the decision-making process. However, I know that WotC put the system through two years of rigorous outside playtesting by using the RPGA - in other words, they got their feedback on the system from people who were ALREADY dedicated D&Ders and certainly not newbies (I will make an assumption that I feel is reasonable to back this up - "anyone who bothers to join the RPGA is NOT a newbie").

WotC got two years' worth of feedback from EXPERIENCED players of D&D (not even experienced players of other systems, but players who played AD&D - note the difference). All of the playtesters I have spoken with on various message boards have said, pretty much without exception, that many of the problems they brought up with the system in its first incarnation were fixed long before 3e ever saw print. *None* of them have expressed particular displeasure with the final result. One would think that with thousands of playtesters, if 3e was really as bad a system as a vocal minority seems to believe, some of the playtesters would have called it out as crap by now.

In other words, thousands people who were intimately familiar with 1e and 2e put the system through its paces before you even saw it and none of them is that upset with it. Obviously, not everyone will be happy with changes (no matter what WotC did). If there were such serious systemic flaws as people here are claiming exist(without much substantiation, by the way), it would stand to reason that more people would be complaining about it.

One of the biggest changes that "made sense" in 3e was doing away with 1 gp = 1 XP awards. In 2e you got 80-90% of your XP for "stumbling over a pile of gold." Slaying monsters, avoiding traps, figuring out puzzles, all of this stuff netted you so few XP as to be not worth the bother. It practically forced Monty Haul campaigns.

Contrast with the 3e XP system. You get XP for slaying monsters, surviving/disarming traps, overcoming puzzles, you can get XP for overcoming stuff in a non-violent fashion if it aids you towards your goal. Treasure is a reward in itself that doesn't get double-counted and your characters can advance in levels without getting filthy rich (which also makes sense - Robin Hood never made much money).

You may have a beef with the XP charts or how much XP is awarded for killing an orc (four 1st-level PCs kill 14 orcs and advance to 2nd level) or whatever, but I haven't heard anybody complain that the types of things you get XP for - and more importatnly the types of things you DON'T get XP for are worse in 3e.

I'm not blinded by loyalty to 3e. I have gamed with literally HUNDREDS of systems, and there are redeeming qualities about all of them. I *DO* get the perception that some (not all) of the "hate 3e" folks *are* blinded by loyalty to 2e. Anyone who says that 2e is a better system in every way is flat out wrong. (I will grant that an argument can be made that it is better in some ways - e.g., I like weapon speed factors.) No system can claim utter superiority in every facet - if it was totally superior everyone would be using it and all other companies would go out of business.

To those who say, "I really tried 3e, and didn't like the way it felt, so I went back to 2e (or 1e, or even back to the old Men & Monsters/Blackmoor/Eldritch Wizardry combo)," I say, "that's fine. Wonderful. Enjoy yourself - I happen to like 3e, but I have no problem with you playing 2e."

To those who say, "it is a fact that 3e is crap, and people who play it are " I say, "that's your opinion, not indisputable fact, and since you offered your opinion on those who play it, I will offer my opinion that you are a rude, stubborn jackass."

Using terms such as "Munchkins and Monsters" or "squeaks and honks" only serves to underline the fact that you have rather strong opinions on the matter. While I give you points for coming up with cute little nicknames in order to illustrate your perception of the inadquacies of the system, it amounts to "raising your voice when you should reinforce your argument." I could quite easily refer to 2e as "Tables & Treasures" (bearing in mind that in 2e, somewhere between 80-90% of XP earned comes from finding a pile of coins instead of actually doing stuff like fighting or surviving traps). But I prefer to tackle the matters at hand, pointing out that 3e gives you a roll-playing reflection of your role-playing, has an XP system that reflects what you've done (i.e., your experiences - they ARE called experience points) rather than what you've found, and is much cleaner in many aspects (multiclassing and darkvision are excellent revisions of old multiclassing and infra/ultravision that avoid many of the issues that plagued these in the 2e system).

Anyway, there's more of my thoughts on the matter, and I fully expect more flames and disagreement. Let's have it and get it over with. ;-)

--The Sigil

Tas and Jack, you are both arrogant self-righteous bastards who can't see past the opinion on your ugly-ass faces. I'm sick of listening to the crap that you two call arguments, and would very much appreciate it if you would both shut the hell up, you ignorant pieces of crap!

Just kidding...actually, I just felt left out of the flame-war and thought I'd post a bit of useless flaming. :) I'm actually enjoying both your posts, and IMO, both of you have very god points. (I'll be trying out 3e sometime in the near future to develop my own opinion on it.) :) L8er.


Sorry about that post..."it should read very GOOD points". I was in a hurry and didn't proofread, which usually werks KO fotr mee, bnut foer somne reasomn I misspeeled thgat werd. :)


Just for fun, let me speak to the subject of "kludgy" mechanics. When I refer to a "kludgy" mechanic, I refer to one that seems rather arbitrary and tacked onto the system as a "quick fix" of a problem rather than looking at the system and figuring out a way to revamp it so as to make the problem go away.

Example 1: Demihuman level limits
Why were they added?
Because in 2e and before, demihumans were more powerful than humans. They got extra racial abilities (much longer lifespans, infravision, bonus to saves and/or spell immunity, extra languages and weapon proficiencies, the ability to multiclass, and so forth) with no drawbacks.

Why didn't it work?
In most campaigns, characters never even came close to the level ceilings, so this "limit" didn't even come into play. In those that did, these were often done away because they were illogical (if I am a human wizard with only 80 years to study, how can I be a better wizard than the elf who has had 800 years to study?) and, ultimately, completely arbitrary.

The problem was simple: demihumans are more powerful than humans. The fix was arbitrary and didn't really address the problem.

The 3e fix: Give humans an extra feat and an extra skill point every level. Instead of limiting demihumans, give humans a subtle power boost. The majority of the power boost (the Feat) comes into effect at first level to counteract racial abilities also in effect at first level (e.g., darkvision) and the lingering effect (the extra skill point) gives you some long-term stuff to offset longer lifespans.

Related kludgy item: "Aging" effects hit different races differently - really nightmarish to try to figure out (esp if you were playing a non-standard race).

Example 2: Enchant An Item

Let me get this straight - I make magic items and I gain experience points? Why would any mage adventure after 9th level (and picking up this spell)? He just sits in his tower cranking out magic items for hire and watches his level ratchet up and up as his treasury grows and grows with zero risk (other than thieves). Furthermore, just have the party wizard retire and make ever-more powerful magic items for his buddies.

The 3e fix: Making magic items is enervating and COSTS experience points. This also means that you can't have the party wizard retire and become a "magic item factory" for the rest of the party - he has to go out and earn some experience too.

Example 3: Multiclassing vs. Dual-Classing

Why can demihumans only multiclass and humans only dual-class? Why is it that one particular "dual-class" combo is allowed to become a "triple, then quadruple" class combo in 1e (see "Becoming a Bard")? Why must I split my XP equally among both of my multi-classes even if my multiclass fighter/thief never picks a lock or uses any of his thief skills? Why must I keep sending XP into a hole once my half-elf cleric/fighter/magic-user tops out at 5th level cleric (meaning he is essentially getting a -33% penalty to all XP since 33% of his XP go into his cleric class that can't advance any more)? Why average the hit points? What is the rationale for saving throws and THAC0?

Basically, multiclassing in 2e and before is a very nasty proposition. 3e's mechanics change (BAB vs. THAC0 and save bonuses instead of arbitrary target numbers based on level) makes "stacking" multiple classes easy and painless.

Example 4: Why can't my magic-user use a sword?
Another example of an arbitrary restriction. Some will say it's the "cold steel" rule (which relates very much to the "magic is a form of electromagnetic radiation" feeling which explains why it is blocked by lead, for example), but that doesn't explain why my elven fighter/mage has no such difficulty.

Basically, "kludgy" is a fancy way of saying "arbitrary decisions" that appear to be a "quick fix" - i.e., it's balanced because I just won't let you do that rather than actually trying to account for many possibilities.

Arbitrary means of trying to balance a system are unfair, counter-intuitive, and don't work because people aren't satisfied with a solution where the only reason somebody isn't too powerful is because he's forbidden to be by outright fiat ("in order to make sure the villains have a chance, Superman is forbidden from using his ability to fly").

--The Sigil

[[ All present enjoy the dialogue and await the DM's ruling. "Great roleplaying," he says "you get a +2 bonus to your Charisma roll. The orc has a pretty low intelligence as well, so that's a further +2 bonus. Now make a Charisma check." The roll is made, and the elf wins. The DM roleplays the dumbfounded orc's reaction, and the game moves on. ]]
--Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that 2e CAN'T be fun. After all, it was my favorite system until 3e came along. And yes, DMs CAN come up with little rules in their heads and make things run along. However, at that point, I'm wondering why I'm even paying for the 2e book. If I'm gonna make up the rules as I go, then I don't need a book to hold while I do it. A DM that can make arbitrary rulings and pull it off with the players is a rare thing, and most folks need a book to back them up.
--It may not be a factor for you, but I think that for most people playing DnD, it's nice to have the rules on paper to back up what they do in game. This cuts off a lot of arguments before they can happen, and it makes things clear and simple. Even if this doesn't really benefit you a ton, I'd challenge you to name a downside to it. It may not be a pro to everyone, but it's a con to nobody. Thus a clear improvement.
--Even if you tweak the 2e rules to have the same amount of functionality as the 3e ones, they're still not as consistent or user friendly, and not as useful in game. In 2e, all you need is a high attribute and you're instantly a master diplomat. In 3e you have to spend skill points to be good, and you have to keep spending them over time to stay competitive with higher level opposition.

[[ The player might decide that Ulfalas would think that even bothering to talk to the lowly orc would be beneath him. ]]
--Clearly we can come up with anecdotes all day that contradict one another's points. I realize that your anecdote here is not really that unlikely, but I'd have to say that it's less likely than the one I provide.
--The key here is that the numbers, character description text, AND roleplaying all add up. If the player spends skills in bluff on a character that isn't supposed to use bluff, he's not roleplaying. If he writes down that he's a barbarian and then plays a courtesan, he's also not roleplaying.
--It all comes back to the functionality of the ruleset. Not only do skills give the DM a tool to handle in game interactions, but they give the player a tool to make dice rolls and probabilities in game match up with his character's personality.

[[ We can argue about it until the cows come home, but the increase in power strips away that final tiny fragment of realism that is needed, even in a fantasy game, so we aren't jarred out of our suspended disbelief. ]]
--I don't get it... Why? How?
--I will admit, 3e characters at 1st level are a bit stronger than 1e/2e characters at the same level. But who cares? You don't mind playing a 2nd level, or 10th level 1e/2e character, why would you mind playing a 3e character? There's a slight difference in power, but it's not much more than a level or two.
--It's all scalable anyway. The enemies are ALSO tougher. In fact, the enemies are built on the same ruleset as the characters. In this regard the enemies have gotten an even bigger boost than PCs in 3e. Relative to their foes, it seems, 3e characters are actually WEAKER.
--This power boost, while it does exist, is not as great as you seem to think. I tend to think that the simplicity and ease of understanding the new powers available to a player make 3e seem much more min-maxed than it is. In reality, a 2e player could abuse the rules just as badly, if not worse, to create an imbalanced character. The only difference is that 2e demanded hours of reading every single arcane and disjoint supplement that TSR released, until a rule that would allow abuse was found. Just look at kits... They were a horrible ruleshack that ALWAYS assured a character more powerful than the base class.
--To call 3e a powergamer's system, to me, is the opposite of reality. Where there's balance, there's less powergaming, and 3e is infinitely more balanced than 2e, which started out of whack and got worse over time.
--Honestly, I just don't understand why you don't believe in 3e. It's just a set of rules, it can't change the tone of YOUR game.

[[ I've never denied that 3e is more streamlined, but I just don't think it is innovative ]]
--This I also don't understand.
--You seem to place great import in the roleplaying aspect of the game, and yet you also demand inspiring and interesting mechanics.
--From my point of view, the mechanics should be out of my way, doing nothing more than I need, and yet nothing less. While I wouldn't suggest that you should stop liking the "character" of 2e mechanics, I would hope that you'd admit that liking a klunky and ineffective system more than a smooth and slick one is odd, and not something that others should be expected to really understand.
--But, even beyond this, I'd challenge your assertion that 3e is not innovative. Basically every game is just a system of using dice to create randomness, and rules to create a target. Any sort of abstraction from this, be it dice pools, or open ended rolls, or whatever, is just a fancy trick to fool people that never took higher math. 3e doesn't bother to try to get cute with its rolling conventions, because it knows that there's no real innovation there. What's innovative is the singleminded devotion the designers have with regards to creating consistency and balance in the game.
--Look at Warhammer 40K, DnD 1e/2e, Rolemaster, etc. Every one is a heaping mound of rules hacks. What's truly innovative about 3e is the "object oriented" design of it. Just as object oriented programming became a force for innovation in software design, now it's a force in RPGs. Some people deride 3e for being like a "computer game on paper." To me, this is crazy. It's not a fault, it's an accomplishment. Organization, simplicity, reusability of concepts, and generally logical systems are GOOD. ALWAYS. Right?

[[ As for Jack's comment about WotC focusing on core products, that may be correct to a point (although, I suspect they'll churn them out soon enough), but players only buy core products once. ]]
--I think this is not the case.
--First off, I have three copies (in different versions) of the 1e PHD, I have at least three copies of the 2e PHB, and at least two copies of the 3e PHB. I buy them to loan to other players, and just to be sure that I have copies on hand. I may be unusual, but that's how I've always operated.
--Also, the notion that more players won't keep coming into 3e is false. Each day, more and more people get interested and buy 3e products. Those that lose interest can't exactly return their books. So the sales of the "core products" will continue indefinitely. With this in mind, it seems to me that WotC can't avoid making back their initial outlay on all their core products, given a while to do so.