Simulator Sickness?


Since when are Half-Life and Unreal Tournament classified as simulators? When it's in reference to a sickness being dubbed "simulator sickness", causing players to feel nauseous, dizzy, and ready to uke more than pathetic Daikitana like green slime.

Since when are Half-Life and Unreal Tournament classified as simulators? When it's in reference to a sickness being dubbed "simulator sickness", causing players to feel nauseous, dizzy, and ready to uke more than pathetic Daikitana like green slime.

Funniest quote from a game developer: "I don't think it's a focus of game development [throughout the industry]. When play testers complain of simulator sickness, we try to address it if we understand how to alleviate the problem, but it's not an issue we spend a lot of time on."

Salon has the full article here.

There are only 3 games that I know of that don't give me simulator sickness: Delta Force 2, Battlefield 2 and Team Fortress 2. Everything else either makes me incredibly dizzy and I have to go lay down for a long time or gives me the "urge to purge". There is help, however....GINGER ROOT. Chinese fishermen have been using ginger root for eons for motion sickness. It DOES work. Ginger root was also confirmed by Myth Busters as the best motion sickness remedy that has no side effects.