Dungeons And Dragons


Well, ive been Refereeing (Dm'ing) for about a year now. I havent really had that much fun because nobody ever wants to play it anymore. I would really like to referee when there is like 6 people but i cant get enough people to play. i wish there was a way to play Dungeons And Dragons (like the rolling dice and all that) over the internet. Well, you could do it over msn, if you had webcams, lol. Does anybody have any suggestion for any scenarios i could use?

Try the old fighter's challenge I&II, Thieve's Challenge, etc. Each challenge is made for one character class, but can easily incorporate 3 to 5 players.

Last I checked, their were two challenges for each basic class.

You can get these for dirt cheap used and they are packed with cool ideas. I have used bits and pieces of these for years...

Another great supplement is the old Lankhmar, City of Adventure supplement. Very nice for the beginning GM who needs a city.

Make a run-o-the-mill dungeon...run a few friends through it room by room. take a month to create it. discribe everyroom, throw a few captive prisoners in it for npcs for good mesure, and roll playing oppertunity. Stock the dungeon with some easy monsters who are using the dungeon for some simple need (shelter, food, protection, breeding) and then get 3 buddies who wanna share a nights worth of dungeon-crawling. All the fun in the world can be aquired for new players in a short dungeon crawl.

If that don't hook them, start looking around for players at comic book shops, book stores, online and whatnot. there HAS to be a group doing somthing in your area.

But a full blow adventure may be too overwelming for people who are new and not sure if the game is for them. But a dungeon crawl brings out the look of "joy" in the eyes of newbees.

Make a run-o-the-mill dungeon...run a few friends through it room by room. take a month to create it. discribe everyroom, throw a few captive prisoners in it for npcs for good mesure, and roll playing oppertunity. Stock the dungeon with some easy monsters who are using the dungeon for some simple need (shelter, food, protection, breeding) and then get 3 buddies who wanna share a nights worth of dungeon-crawling. All the fun in the world can be aquired for new players in a short dungeon crawl.

If that don't hook them, start looking around for players at comic book shops, book stores, online and whatnot. there HAS to be a group doing somthing in your area.

But a full blow adventure may be too overwelming for people who are new and not sure if the game is for them. But a dungeon crawl brings out the look of "joy" in the eyes of newbees.

You can do it over the internet.


Or Neverwinter Nights, if you're willing to pay for it.

if your looking for a basic setting to get started in I have to agree than Lankhmar is a nice starting point - as its in a low magic setting (so less rules to brush up oninitially) also does anybody remember the old U1-3 series of modules - dealt with sahuagin, lizardmen etc. from what i can recall the 1st in the series was a pretty nice starting scenario (dealt with an old abandoned house and smugglers etc.
Also have you browsed through any other systems before settling for D&D? just a question but always worth asking