Overall, Dark Messiah is a decent enough game, but not for something based on a popular game license and an award-winning game engine. It's an amusing distraction, but that's all, and while it deserves praise for some of its more interesting elements, it hardly deserves top honors.
I spent so much time in TCG's that I thought I'd never want to look at cards again. And here I am, playing games with cards in them. Whodda thunk it? But there are some excellent ones out there, and we'll look at two of them today.
A review of Worlds of Empire for Star Hero.
You want Analog Games? You've come to the right place! This week: Trains around America :>. There are so many games out there, I'll take 'em one bite at a time, and will start with a pair of train games set in the United States. TransAmerica is set in no particular time and expects the winner to able to make use of the other players' networks, as all the trains are communal. Ticket to Ride is set at the turn of the last century (1900) and expects that the winner will claim the best routes as there are no provisions for sharing networks. At least in the U.S. version.
This week, Whutaguy reviews a recently released Hero System Sourcebook, You Gotta Have Character, a compilation of articles from Digital Hero E-zine.
Here is a whole new "world" for GMs looking for a new setting to run games in. This series provides everything: major NPCs to interact with, bad guys, a great storyline, a timeline with major events, and a host of subplots and other research material. At the very least, you will have the pleasure of watching a great story.
The word "Selling" is boldfaced and blue on the cover of The Indie Developer's Guide to Selling Games, making it abundantly clear that it's the emphasis of the book. To that end, the book stays away from everything that drifts away from the topic of selling; you won't find advice here on how to design a mascot, or how to create game levels that will keep players coming back for more. You will, however, learn a lot about how best to market your game to the public, both before and after you've actually created it.
Exalted 2! Long-awaited, well-publicized! Was it worth the wait? More importantly, is it worth the $40 price tag? After long-windedly comparing it to the old edition, and trying her best not to cater to her biases, Shataina -- an unabashed fan, former White Wolf intern and late-stage (i.e. ineffectual) Exalted 2 playtester -- emerges with some cautions, and a yes.
In the past decade-plus that I've been running games, I've probably read close to two hundred adventures and campaigns, both professional and amateur. Most of them were junk. Here's a campaign that stands head and shoulders above the rest. Welcome to the world of Arcallis and the Prophesy of the Phoenix.