Throughout the centuries, attempts have been made to classify types of people in order to better understand them. For example, in antiquity there were humours and astrological signs, and even today people still ask "What's Your Sign?" Role-playing games, of course, also classify people - into classes and races. But they do a poor job with personality.
While I love the game and the endless hours of fun it provides, anyone with a passing knowledge in Anthropology, Psychology, or even a college degree has to secede any chance of Dungeons & Dragons being "realistic." This is my big problem with D&D.
In the beginning, the darkness came from the valley and spoke unto me, "Dost my will?" and I asked humbly, "I am thine servant Theo, what is thy desire?" The Darkness replied. "Show them, the true power of the dark side, show them what you have been taught of evil through comic books. Lead them into a land of Mountain Dew and Bugles!" And so, I the Prophet received the Ten Commandments of Villainy, to help steer the chosen people from cliches of necromancers and demon lords.
What is the sound of one hand clapping? If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? What does a Dungeons & Dragons 3.5e Character Sheet sound like? Thanks to Scribd, we know the answer to one of these three questions.
My perspective on the most steadfast rule of D&D that isn't used anywhere else.
An appendix is a sometimes used portion near the back of a book. It is also an organ which has no apparent use or function. This article is about the second kind.
I've always had ridiculously bad luck when it comes to the rolling of dice. Usually I can get by in spite of terrible die rolls, but a recent experience almost made me want to go diceless forever.
Their name is Old Kingdom, but they're a relative newcomer to the gaming industry. Gamegrene took some time out to talk with Chris Hill of Old Kingdom Games about their past, present and future, and learned a little bit about The Nightmare War, their first major release, due out on December 3.
There's an apocryphal cop-out that bad Dungeon Masters are reputed to use whenever they get pissed at their players, or can't figure out how to end an adventure. It's called "Rocks Fall. Everyone Dies." Spoilers (and an explanation) inside.
A short tale set during the evening hours in a world where November is followed immediately by April, wherein a young rogue discovers her place in the world, a powerful wizard is unmasked, and the true purpose of single class rogues is uncovered.