Who dies?


Not spoilers, just opinion.

Harry and Volde don't die becasue Rowling is smart enough to know that in 5 years someone will offer a dumptruck full of cash for another book and she might want that truck.

Ron and hermione don't die because they are the only people in the books with any sort of romantic interest and the young female market is also important to Rowling.

Characters that could die: Hagrid, Snape, Pomfrey, McDonagal (or whatever her name is), Fudge (or did he die already), all the other Weasleys, Malfoy, all the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws, all the good citizens of Hogsmeade (likely in the explosion originating in Fred' and George' store), Hedwig, and Mrs. Dursley. Hermione's cat suffers a horrible maiming, I guess 2 legs and a tail, plus some ear damage.

Again, I have not read the book, these are just speculation.

regarding your first point:
1) she doesn't need to wait 5 years...they're willing to pay her a dumptruck full of money RIGHT NOW, so that's not an excuse.
2) She could kill Voldie and have another bad guy show up... you know like in comics, RPGs and whatnot.

FWIW, I was WAAAY off. The ones I didn't guess were tertiary characters at best. The Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws were never even in serious jeopardy and some of my guesses didn't even appear in the book.

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Right now, she has a warehouse of cash, plus on-going residuals from toys and films. As these sources of revenue dry up, more cash looks better and better. 10 years might be more likely.

Whiney letters from fans will continue to roll in on a daily basis demanding more HP. This in addition to the "OMGILUVU" fan mail. Writing another book would slow the speed of that crap.

She is a writer. I believe she will become bored and cranky if she's not writing.

To be honest though, after reading this one, I see a lot more potential for prequels (Hp parents, Dumbledore or even the founders) or Hogwarts:TNG.

Zipdrive wrote:
regarding your first point:
1) she doesn't need to wait 5 years...they're willing to pay her a dumptruck full of money RIGHT NOW, so that's not an excuse.

I have to agree with Whutaguy...as soon as she gets bored, Rowling will dust off the old computer and get those creative juices flowing once more. Personally, if I had all that money I would stay retired and focus all my time and energy into relaxing and shopping! But, then again, maybe that's why I'm not a creative genius!
