launched back in August 2000 with the release of D&D 3rd Edition. In 2004, it became "Gamegrene 2.0" alongside the releases of the new GURPS, Paranoia, and World of Darkness. With D&D 4th Edition coming in a scant 29 days, you might think I'm trying my damnedest to do something to commemorate the event. And that I am, in between changing my newest daughter, working far too much, and maintaining my achievement whore status.
The Shab-al-Hiri Roach is a Lovecraftian game of academic satire, designed for a single session of play. Players take on the role of professors at Pemberton University, a New England institute of higher education, in the year 1919. These professors, like those at any other university, jockey with one another for prestige and tenure. The catch? An ancient Sumerian roach-god with telepathic powers is running about, crawling inside heads and using you to wreak chaos and destruction upon the human race.
I never realized how mentally, emotionally, and physically beneficial roleplaying can be. I'd like to share my experience with you in order to share what I have learned from roleplaying.
The Gamer Dome reports from the GAMA Trade Show: "Forgotten Realms 4e is three books, period, done, end of line: Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide, Player's Guide to FR, and DM's Guide to FR. All settings will be done like that, one per year, until they run out of settings. They mentioned Greyhawk, Ravenloft, Dark Sun, and Spelljammer as settings on their list!"
Wizards of the Coast is pleased to announce that third-party publishers will be allowed to publish products compatible with the Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition game system under the new Dungeons & Dragons 4E Game System License (D&D 4E GSL). This royalty-free license will replace the former d20 System Trademark License (STL), and will have a System Reference Document (SRD) available for referencing permissible content.
"Hell hath no limits, nor is circumscrib'd
In one self place; for where we are is hell,
And where hell is there must we ever be"
- C. Marlowe
According to various news reports, Gary Gygax, creator of the original Dungeons & Dragons fantasy game, died Tuesday morning at his home in Lake Geneva, Wis. He was 69.
Character sheets for the forthcoming D&D 4th edition have apparently been leaked online, according to a front-page story on (although this would seem to be more of a release, as Morbus points out in the comments below). The big question: what are healing surges?
As everyone and their half-orc sister is reporting, Gen Con has filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy protection, apparently as a direct result of a lawsuit filed by LucasFilm alleging an unjust failure to uphold financial obligations relating to Celebration IV.