The nominees for the 2009 ENnie Awards were announced today; HELLAS: Worlds of Sun & Stone (my game) was nominated twice. Voting begins on July 24 and runs through August 1. Winners will be announced at the 9th Annual ENnie Awards at GenCon on Friday, August 14. Be sure to vote for your favorites!
On June 24, 2009 in Columbus, OH, aethereal FORGE will present the official release of the Vox RPG. This is an admittedly small affair in the grander scheme of things, but for me it represents the culmination of nearly three years of effort. Whether or not you are ultimately interested in Vox itself, the process by which Vox was created is -- at least in my opinion -- an interesting one, and filled with interesting coincidences and synchronicities. I firmly believe that Vox has been published precisely when it was meant to be.
It was not long ago where the only way to play a multiplayer game was to invite your friends over and have them grab the second remote to the Super Nintendo. Times have clearly changed.
Welcome to PORTAL (Player Oriented Roleplaying: Timing, Action & Lucidity), a universal roleplaying system ready to be adapted to whatever your imagination can come up with. It's a system which strives to strike a balance between roleplaying and gaming.
The world is vibrant, the world is alive... You can taste salt on the wind, smell the black damp of the earth beneath your feet. The drums of the ancestors call out to the clans, their song carried to all the chiefdoms across the sea. These are the ancient islands of the Brothers, the islands of the Bronze Gods, and they are your home.
A PDF of HARP SF Beta 0.1 is available for download from the ICE online store. Members of the ICE forum who have purchased the PDF get free updates as they are released.
Join the Quest! Nox Arcana invites listeners to enter a mythical realm of fantasy with Blood of the Dragon, an epic sword-and-sorcery soundscape that beckons listeners to set out upon an ancient quest through dark kingdoms ruled by wizards and warriors and to battle alongside barbarian hordes, elven mages and knights of legend.
This is a war that lets you strap yourself into a 20 foot tall lumbering mass of metal, gears, steam pipes and pistons built around a high pressure explosive engine core and then go and pound the living crap out of a Gnome who richly deserves it.