World of Darkness
In my previous article here at Gamegrene, I talked about my experiences with Hunter: The Reckoning, particularly in light of the fact that my unconditional love for H:tR was not shared by the vast majority of gamers. Though the publication of material for Reckoning ceased a number of years ago along with the rest of the old World of Darkness, I (and other Hunter fans) are fortunate in that the Hunter concept was chosen to be revised and republished.
What I learned from falling in love with the game that everyone else hated: White Wolf's Hunter.
White Wolf is pleased to announce a special product, slated for release at Gencon in August 2007. For his last book written in the roleplaying genre, Monte Cook is penning his own unique version of the horror setting known as the World of Darkness.
CCP hf. and White Wolf Publishing, Inc. today announced that the companies have entered into a definitive agreement to merge. The creators of the single largest persistent online role-playing world and the world's second-largest developer of offline role-playing, strategy and collectable card games will create the industry's largest independent Virtual World developer.
Unless you have been living under a tombstone, you have likely heard that White Wolf has unleashed the forces of Gehenna, Apocalypse and the like to bring the World of Darkness to an end after 13 years.
To complete the Joey Z. experience I now bring to you all of his wonders and custom rotes. The rotes he knows and uses include many of the basic rotes included in the Mage The Ascension core rulebook as well as the ones he created himself. I hope you enjoy.
I stepped up to the lip of the concrete embankment and looked down on my new student. Spread below me was a concrete skate park filled with ramps, rails and one lone skater. He looked just like they described, small frame, spiky, blonde hair and the kind of face that made women melt. He was dressed as his kind commonly dressed, sneakers, baggy short pants and a loose fitting, red, button-up shirt with short sleeves. He zipped back and forth across the park performing stunts that were normally reserved for only the most elite of athletes and with every one I could feel the telekinetic manipulations he performed.
With one successful Changeling campaign already under our belts, it was a given that my all-female gaming group would reunite to follow it up. I had some great ideas for a game of Mage: The Ascension with player characters drawn from the ranks of the Technocracy, and I was looking forward to trying out what I perceived as more "serious" gaming with a group as talented as the one I'd found. But before I get too deep into an explanation of how our second year of gaming together went, I'd like to take a few paragraphs to address some of the questions brought up by readers in the intelligent discussion my previous article sparked.
It's over. We played through the climactic combat, spent half an hour tying up loose ends and detailing the fates of characters we'd played for the better part of a year, and declared the campaign to have reached its end. Then we picked up our dice, finished off the milkshakes kindly provided by one player, said our goodbyes, and went our separate ways, most likely never to unite as a gaming group again. There was sadness at leaving, true, but also a certain strong sense of pride at having accomplished what our characters set out to do so long ago, when the story had first begun.
It's the nature of gamers to want to get the most out of the characters they play. The experience of spending hours hunched over a blank character sheet and a Players' Handbook, trying to figure out just how to arrange those last few character creation points to make an indestructible fighter or an undetectable thief or an infinitely enlightened wizard, is common to just about all of us.