What I Bring to the Table
The fourth part of a series of "How-I" articles. This specific article covers what I (as a GM) determine regarding magic and weapons, before the players get their hands on the issue. If you cater to power-gamers and munchkins, this is not for you. If you think your last campaign got shorted becasue of the firepower available, this might help the next time around. "How-to" implies that there is a best way. There might be, and this might be it, or maybe not. This is how I do it.
The third part of a series of "How-I" articles. This specific article covers what I (as a GM) determine regarding maps, magic, religion, politics, style, NPCs and other things best not discussed in polite company. "How-to" implies that there is a best way. There might be, and this might be it, or maybe not. This is how I do it.
The second part of a series of "How-I" articles. This specific article covers what I (as a GM) determine regarding characters and character creation, before the players get their hands on the issue. An ambitious, generous, or ambivalent GM might discuss these things with his/her potential players and collect feedback, but it's not a democracy; the GM should enjoy the game also. "How-to" implies that there is a best way. There might be, and this might be it, or maybe not. This is how I do it.
The first part of a series of "How-I" articles. This specific article covers what I (as a GM) determine regarding the campaign before I invite players to it. An ambitious, generous, or ambivalent GM might discuss these things with his/her potential players and collect feedback, but it's not a democracy; the GM should enjoy the game also. Some GMs refer to the topics covered within this as a prospectus. "How-to" implies that there is a best way. There might be, and this might be it, or maybe not. This is how I do it.